Prince's album "The Rainbow Children"

by Country Girl 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I haven't actually listened to the CD yet. I have always thought Prince was a true musical genius (my own opinion), however I am somewhat hesitant to listen to this as it might wreck my illusions.. heheh.

    I received my Christmas present from my Brother in law yesterday, and it was the Prince album "The Rainbow Children." Now mind you, this was *after* Prince's alleged conversion to Dumbism.. er Dubbism.. heheheh. The cover has a nice pastel or oil painting of various people of different shades and hues playing intstruments. There is about 10 pages inside with different bits of dialogue and poetry on it (or maybe the words to the songs). BOY you can see the influence of the Society in it. Here's the little ditty from page 2 (with JW buzzwords highlighted, in my version):

    With an accurate understanding of God and His law they went about the work of building a new nation. The Rainbow Children.

    The Wise One (who I guess is a man) who understood the law was handed down from God long ago and reflected the true meaning 2 his woman every day and she surrended her descerning of it in2 his care and keeping 4 she trusted he would lead in the right way. Her children in subjection 2 her, she in subjection 2 the Wise One, and the Wise One in subjection to the only begoten one, all - 4 every in subjection to God."
    "the opposite of NATO is OTAN And if the number 13 is such a bad luck number When there's no such thing as luck Then the berries, talons, arrows and stars All r superstitions, what the .."
    "C we're living in a system that the devil designed And suffering from this Devil's most heinous crime."
    "But I'm willing 2 do the Work"
    "This work is not an easy task But this is the work we must do 4 Revelation 2 come 2 pass This work is the kind that turns ur back on the Ruling Class By putting them in their place just like the past."
    "We were always meant to be In paradise eternally B4 the truth I did not care Now I feel it everywhere."
    Other stuff using the term "New Translation" and similar JW buzzwords. The guy found a whole new plethora of words to use for his ambiguous lyrics!
  • Nosferatu

    This makes me want to puke. I'm surprised the album wasn't called "Prince sings Praises to Jehovah"

    We now have new Kingdom Melodies. Do you think Prince is counting time for giving this fine witness?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Nos -- you Val Kilmer look alike wit da bow in yo haid....

    I was wondering that myself! LOL!


  • Stefanie

    They Better not F*ck with Bono!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • keeshah

    Nos -- you Val Kilmer look alike wit da bow in yo haid....

    ROFLMAO! That was hilarious!!!

  • shamus

    This drivel, from a person who thought that every day at 12:00 people should stop and have a sex break every day with they're co-workers.

    Jeez, just a bit nutty. Now he sings gospel. What a loser.

  • crinklestein

    So basically this is a hip-hop Kingdom Mellodies cd?

  • yxl1

    You should check out the DVD of his latest gig. During one of the tracks there is a montage of images where the cover of the New World Translation takes center stage. Gag!! I still love Prince regardless of his new faith. If you get a chance, check out the "One nite alone" CD...its abosolute magic, and not a JW-ism in sight

  • Sassy

    Some songs have more of a jazz feel than hip hop. I have the cd and those poems inside are actually the lyrics to the songs. I bought the cd when it first came out and before I stopped being a JW. I was actually kind of disapointed in the cd. I think I played it once.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I still haven't listened to it, Sassy. Thanks for the tip on the One Night Alone CD, I will definitely order it! I can't believe on his latest gig he had the NWT as the center of it... <coughs, gags, and keels over>. I am berry berry disappointed in the Purple One....


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