One guy on Witness World mentioned a JW message Board called Deep Space Zone. Does anyone know if this is a new version of JWZone and what the web address is?
by DevonMcBride 12 Replies latest jw friends
One guy on Witness World mentioned a JW message Board called Deep Space Zone. Does anyone know if this is a new version of JWZone and what the web address is?
lol... what is it with JWs and their fascination with Star Trek?
Deep Space Zone
Deep Space Nine
As pathetic as it is, I really would be interested in joining the witness online community... again!
(Hi DanG! Miss me?)
DanG is on this board now...
DanG has been on this board for a loooooooong time (uh, I mean, of course he hasn't!)
detective... I've been posting since June, although of course I've been lurking for a long time.
Were you ever registered on the Zone? What was your name? (PM me if you don't want to post it in public.)
Oh, and while I don't have any personal knowledge, I would bet that Deep Space Zone is very probably the new JWZone.
I've been attempting to tease you for ages! Good to see you here officially! So tell me, how hard was it cross-referencing bewteen both worlds? The ladies of greatcrowd must still be weeping!
Thanks, detective! Honestly, there wasn't much we could do to cross-reference as long as someone was reasonably careful. I.e. don't use the same username (or, back when the board showed e-mails publicly, the same address); don't indicate which posts are your own; don't post when you've signed up; and be sure to open the board in a fresh window so JWD doesn't show up as your referrer.
thanks for the tips- but now that you're obviously "out" have you had any fallout from former zoners? You were a public proponent for the witnesses, and now this...
how did you manage to keep up the facade?
now that you're obviously "out" have you had any fallout from former zoners?
My wife and I were outed in October (just before our wedding). I've waited until a few days ago to post my identity on the board, however, because we were waiting for official action from the elders.
As to fallout from zoners... just read my blog entry about that: