I am stunned by how some ex-cult memebers, well aware of concepts like 'new light' used by the Borg to alter its position without admiting past error, are so nationalistic as to blinded to their government doing the same thing.
The report shown below has been rather under-reported in the US press... a rather nice phrase in it is "Administration officials systematically misrepresented the threat from Iraq's WMD and ballastic missle program...". Make no mistakes, don't believe the hype; on the eve of the war it was because of WoMD, no matter what is said now.
So, in November, decide whether you would like to vote for a party whose last President lied about oral sex... or one where the President has presided over deliberate misrepresentation of information in order to justify a war where thousands have died. That's a simple choice, even for Republicans...