Did God create man to live forever?

by shotgun 48 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • shotgun


    They jump back and forth through the bible but never offer any concrete evidence of scriptural backing, just like most of their teachings.

  • peacefulpete

    The PE book opes with a quote from a kook that asserted that science can find no reason cellular regeneration does not continue forever. When i was still in Bethel it was announced at MW that that comment was a mistake and another example of how science is untrustworthy! Never mind that the fraud who said it was exposed by science. They never told anyone else tho. Sometimes MW included tasty bits of secret info that wasn't supposed to be said.

    Years later they wrote a hillarious Awake (10/22/95)on aging in which they quoted a different nutball that claimed the

    "Nonsenescence (agelessness) was the original state of Living things on earth".

    Note that it says living things, (not just humans) this sent flags up in my head. They did not expound on this theory too much because he was misusing evolution to arrive at his crazy ideas. So they lifted the quote and made it appear to be science and compatible with JW doctrine. I was then a zealous JW but even I could see the stupidity of that. Life is inseparable from the death of other organisms.

    To give them a break tho they probably lifted the quote from a "Creation Science" book and idn't bother to think about the implications too deeply.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    No...that's why our bodies wear out within 100 yrs....besides a human life can only survive just so many brain farts, then it's time to wipe the slate clean and start over with a new body...and of course, a new brain

    Frannie B

  • micheal

    Looking at everything around us it is very obvious we as physical creatures were not meant and cannot live forever. But I am starting to believe that something beyond our physical can continue to live on. At least I hope so anyway.

  • czarofmischief

    Gee, everything on the planet dies, and somehow we are supposed to be different?

    No, the difference between man and animal is not physical, but spiritual - and I personally believe that animals are like "younger brothers" that haven't developed into men yet, in spiritual terms. Reincarnation and evolution will gradually create more and more sentient beings that will go on to learn more lessons of the next level.


  • elamona

    Yes. The fact that geneticists have identified certain genes that turn other genes on and off that regulate cell repair. In theory, if they could decode the regulatory mechanisms that command the switchings they could "tell" cells to repair forever. As it stands now they do not know how to turn off the genes that tell other genes to stop repairing- hence we have aging and death. They are confident that they will be able to decode these mechanism in this century. Frankly, the thought of living another 100 years or indefinitely AND HAVING TO WORK THE WHOLE TIME is quite dismaying to me. The retirement age will be pushed back until you'll never be able to retire.

  • Don Smith
    Don Smith

    I think a more appropriate question would be " What were Gods plans as regards the earth and mankind?"bearing in mind that he knows the end from the beginning and His Will ,will be done on earth as in heaven, Points we should consider to properly understand what was stated and what transpired.

    #1 Gen. 1:26 Let us make man in our image, according to our" likeness," Note the word likeness {future?}

    #2 Gen. 2:7 And God proceeded to "form" man..........to be a living soul. Verse 8 Put the man whom he "Formed " in Eden. Was Adam in Gods image at this stage and if he was why did God plant the 2 trees ,the tree of life and the tree knowledge of good and bad.

    So as we continue to read the account Gen.3 this became the issue ,"you will not die , your eyes will be opened and be like God ,knowing good and bad.You will notice Satans words mislead them , they now knew good from bad as God had stated but the act of disobedience involving the 3 culprits sentenced after questioning

    But the failure on the part of what Adam and Eve did, will not alter Gods initial purpose " let us make man in our image, according to our likeness" , will succeed as he promised.The tree of of life is still out there according to Rev.22 and we are encouraged to partake.

    To answer your ? did God create man to live forever ? my answer would be no, because Adam and Eve died. The correct ? should be , When God formed man from the dust of the ground and gave him life, will his words "let us make man in our image, according to our likeness succeed" My answer would be yes.

    Don Smith

  • shotgun

    Hi Don

    So are you saying that man needs to die first then he will changed to become god's likeness...a spirit creature in the heavens or that he will be resurrected to a paradise earth as a human and then live forever. In which case how can a mortal have immortality, time unforseen occurrance befall us all.

    Doesn't add up to me, but alot of things don't add up to me.

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    According to the Bible texts, consider the following:

    "The days of the blameless are known to the Lord, and their inheritence will endure forever" (Psalm 37:18)

    "The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever" (Psalm 37:29)

    Only two examples there. Search for others and you will find them.

    I remember a scripture that indicates that God placed infinity within our hearts. With that in mind, I am sure the God that I believe in would not torture us by giving us a hope that could never be realistically fulfilled.

    At least, all of the above is my hope, but it is not an absolute guarantee, it depends upon my own heart condition.

  • drwtsn32

    If God designed us to live forever, he should have had us breathe something other than oxygen. Oxygen is extremely corrosive and its free radicals supposedly cause more damage to our DNA than anything else. Oxygen is one reason we die.

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