Watchtower issues take down notice!!!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara 18 Replies latest jw friends
Arrogant bullies.
The Fall Guy
My primary concern is that YouTube is not complying with the Fair Use provisions. Why are conceding so easily to the cult's requests for takedowns?
Surely Youtube must know what constitutes the difference between fair use and copyright violation.
Dammm I missed this guy starting a thread Good Youtube channels to watch
YouTube's default response to this sort of thing generally seems to involve capitulating to whatever corporation is bellyaching.
It's probably less hassle for them.
This is proof positive that those at the top in the JW Org know that what they are peddling is not the Truth. And proof that they are aware of the accusation that they use Mind Control, and the truth of that accusation.
If they had the truth, and did not use Mind Control techniques they could challenge this guy face on, instead they simply use underhanded methods, like this spurious Take Down claim.
They are a bunch of Manipulating, Lying, Money Grabbers.
Phizzy - "This is proof positive that those at the top in the JW Org know that what they are peddling is not the Truth. And proof that they are aware of the accusation that they use Mind Control, and the truth of that accusation..."
Not quite, IMO.
Virtually all anecdotal evidence really does suggest that they fully buy into their own rhetoric... which is an easy habit to fall into when you insist that you represent God and surround yourself solely with people who are never allowed to disagree with you.
And yet, there is the virtually impossible-to-refute point you've just brought up.
I myself saw it happen for the longest time and scratched my head over the paradox, until I came to the conclusion that - as you said... they know it's wrong...
...but they believe it's true... the same time.
(I learned later that the phenomenon is called "compartmentalization", and seasoned politicians are particularly good at it.)
Phizzy - "...If they had the Truth, and did not use mind control techniques, they could challenge this guy face on, instead they simply use underhanded methods, like this spurious Take Down claim..."
If I had to guess, I'd say that argue (to themselves, at least) that it's perfectly justified... they do consider themselves to be "at war", after all.
But you're right, of course.
If you have to cheat to defend your beliefs, your beliefs don't deserve to be defended...
...and that, IMO, is the real crux of the matter.
Phizzy - "...They are a bunch of manipulating, lying, money grabbers."
Honestly, I think that - on some level - they believe that they're fighting for survival...
...which, of course, suggests that perhaps they're survival really is at risk.
History is full of examples of authoritarian regimes who feel threatened by something, act disproportionally defensive, and in doing so, indirectly cause the threat to manifest itself for real, even if the threat was never actually present in the first place.
The WT's way of fighting dirty was one of the things that made me loose trust in them. There was a site back in the days, called That site was a library of quotes, in context, of the watchtower, on various topics. Only quotes, no comments, thus, no "apostate lies". Then, they sued the guy for a 100k and he took the site down.
I was an active JWs at the time and was more troubled by the WT's actions than the quotes themselves. Copyright laws were put in place to protect author's income through their intelectual property. That is, if the content itself generates revenue, that revenue should be controled by the author. However, when it comes to religious teachings, it is obvious that WT is using it to shut people up.
Right out of Scientology's playbook.
That fact alone irrevocably stains any of WTS's claim to legitimacy, IMO.
What does it take to post parody about Watchtology and keep it up?
Simple, MONEY
If Watchtology sends a take down request to youtube, they make sure YouTube knows who is a$king.
If you want YouTube to put it back up, your argument$ mu$t be the bigge$t
So, it would go like this...
Dear YouTube, we at MON$TER WATCHTOLOGY KILLER$ kindly ask you to put our damned videos back up. Plea$e direct all further inquiries to our very expensive legal team at F&N SUE YOUR ASS PARTNER$.
PS. We gave our lawyers a big fat freakin’ retainer and we are waiting for you in the hallway after school,