This Generation Has Passed Away

by Big Tex 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus

    I just want to comment on dave's, that seven006's ecxeptional moderating abilities manifesting themselves on the first page of this thread. Thanks dave.


  • garybuss

    Informed, Thanks for making a post about my writing your first post. I am honored. Welcome! I sincerely mean that.

    Often I felt like my comments are not finding an audience. Thanks for confirming that they are. I'm just a student in search of a teacher and I have found many here and at the conventions and get togethers of former members of the Witness group.

    On the topic of expectations postponed, I feel like a real expert. My parents thought Armageddon would come before I had to start elementary school in 1950. They they were sure I would never have to go to high school. They told me so many times . . . other Witnesses told me the same thing many times. You think that doesn't mess with a kid's mind? They also told me things like, "Isn't it wonderful that Armageddon is coming so soon and you will never have to get married and raise children in this old world?". I have been married twice, and have 4 adult sons and one grandchild. To me, this was expectation cancelled. They never gave me an explanation.

    Then there was that whole whirlwind of the expectation of 1975. When that was cancelled, they told me I had imagined it all. There can't be much less love and kindness shown today than there was in 1974 and 1975. That was tough city here. Rules were enforced with an iron hand. Most of us who left then were the true believers. The skeptics and company men (and women) stayed to work on the next set up.

    Like a fool, I walked away still a believer. I foolishly gave them access to my home and to my sons. They helped themselves to my tool shed, to my wife, and to two of my sons. That wasn't enough for them and in 1992 they started to snub and shun me. I owe them thanks for that because that angered me enough to motivate me to confront them and to seek out answers to my questions that I had been lugging around for 18 years. The answers at first shocked me, then they angered me, then they motivated me to go public and inspired me to make a commitment to help others going where I had been.

    I placed an ad in the local paper for former Witnesses to contact me and I heard from 44 in short order here in this town of just over 100k. I knew it was a big issue. I attracted the attention of the local media and was interviewed by two local papers and television. Now over 120 had contacted me. All our stories were the same. We had all been lied to and abused in some way by the Witness group. Then the Internet became available. . . .

  • Nosferatu
    Often I felt like my comments are not finding an audience.

    Gary, your comments definately bring my attention! As far as I know, you're the one who coined the term "Book Publishing Company". It's an excellent way to describe the WTS. Ever since I've looked at it from this viewpoint, I must say that the WTS is one of the strangest things I've ever seen.

    It's interesting how some people comment about being a "publisher" is a very unrewarding job. The only reward you get is if you've got the most hours one month and you're talked about through gossip, "Oh, did you hear that brother Pioneer got 96 hours this month?" In some ways I'm kinda surprised that they don't print the "top salesmen" in the KM. But all glory is supposed to go toward "God's (shitty) Organization".

    BTW, your briefly written experience of what you did when you found the answers is amazing!

  • Gerard

    Tic-Toc 1940 Tic-toc1950 Tic-toc 1960 Tic-toc 1970 Tic-toc 1980 Tic-toc 1990 Tic-toc 2000 Tic-toc 2010Tic-toc

    2014 What'a F%*5#@
    Custom Smiley

  • garybuss

    Nosferatu, Thanks for the post. It was a revelation to me the first time I looked at the Witnesses as the book distribution division of a book printing business. The Witnesses as a religion never made any sense to me, but the Watch Tower Bible And Tract Society, INC made perfect sense when I looked at it as a for profit business doing business as a non-profit and using religion as a tool for their book distribution division, aka, Jehovah's Witnesses.

    All Watch Tower Society (Corporation) activities have to do with the books the leaders published.

    Personal study is reading the books the leaders published. Meetings are studying the books the leaders published. Service is distributing the books the leaders published. Bible studies are sessions indoctrinating new workers by using the books the leaders published.

    Kingdom Halls are distribution centers where inventory is stocked and a special literature counter is provided and staffed with volunteer workers for the sales people to pick up the books the leaders published. Contribution boxes are conveniently placed for "publishers" to pay by donation for the literature the leaders published.

    The worldwide ministry is to increase the distribution of the books the leaders published. The Corporation's school for missionaries is called Gilead, and it's purpose is to teach members how to start new congregations using the books the leaders published.

    Member's weekly schedules revolve around the study and distribution of literature the leaders wrote and published. That schedule is set up by the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation.

    Saturday morning is devoted to distributing magazines the leaders wrote and published.

    Sunday public talk meeting is given from an outline the leaders wrote and published on a topic selected by the leaders and referenced by books the leaders wrote and published.

    Sunday Watchtower Study meeting is reading from and studying a magazine the leaders wrote and published.

    Tuesday book study meeting is reading from and studying a book the leaders wrote and published.

    Wednesday is preparing for Thursday night meetings by reading books the leaders wrote and published.

    Thursday Theocratic Ministry School is speaking from and reading from books the leaders wrote and published.

    Thursday Service Meeting is a sales meeting training for presentations to distribute books and magazines the leaders wrote and published. The Service Meeting is also used to announce staff additions, changes, or deletions as approved by the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation.

    Daily texts are read daily from a book the leaders wrote and published.

    Yearly conventions are sponsored by the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation. The highlight is the release of new publications the leaders wrote and published and the water baptism of new "Publishers" who agree to be identified with the Publishing Corporation, calling themselves the "Spirit Directed Organization". Organization is another name for "business".

    Members are called "publisher" and only qualify to be recognized as members if they engage in the distribution of books and magazines the leaders wrote and published and then report that engagement on Field Service Report forms that the leaders published.

    ("Publisher" is dictionary defined as One that is engaged in publishing printed material.)

    Watch Tower INC's identification is with book distribution and the military. When I was a JW kid the congregations were called companies and overseers were called company servants. Book distribution strategy is called Theocratic warfare and plans are being made for the Watch Tower to take over the world's government. They are a political party disguised as a religion, raising funds by printing and selling books. GaryB

  • willyloman

    Gary: Astute points, compelling argument.

    By the way, the post earlier from "informed" was actually from me, Willyloman.

    For some inexplicable reason when I posted the reply it appeared as though it was the first post from someone named "informed," and Angharad is kindly looking into it to see what electronic voo-doo caused this transformation.

    It will be interesting to see if this post appears under my "real" forum name.

  • garybuss

    Hey Willy, Wow! The old cross post demon is back. Well, glad we got that sorted out. Thanks for the post, GaryB

  • waiting

    o gary.....we ALL read your posts (I'm taking a great leap of faith there....but none more than the average jw, eh?) I know I read them - and like them.

    Back to 1914 "this generation will not pass away" discussion.

    1. Since 1975, the WT preached that "even little ones who could understand what was happening in 1914" were part of that generation. JW's bought it - "2 year olds can have discernment...they're potty trained, aren't they?"

    2. Since 1995, the WT preaches that "no one knows how many decades is in a 'generation', the generation of Noah was 120 yrs (no more 1914 70-yr generation). JW's bought it.

    3. Only a month or so ago, WT brought out "KEEP ON THE WATCH AS THE DAY & HOUR OF GOD'S DESTRUCTION MIGHT INSTANTLY BE UPON US!"......equating Noah's generation as being 120 years (AND WE ALWAYS LEARN FROM GOD'S WORD, THE BIBLE, AND HIS FAITHFUL & DISCREET SLAVE CLASS)......thus 2034 was *implied* strongly. Betcha JW's swallow, as usual, without a whimper...."God's Organization".

    4. Yeah, and there's those JW's who still cry "Any day now! Any day now! Any day now!"

    5. Btw, I'm not really quoting the WT....but we all know they've said it & keep saying it.


  • waiting

    Hey gary,

    Just read your Watchtower = Corporation breakdown above. Very good.

    Book distribution strategy is called Theocratic warfare and plans are being made for the Watch Tower to take over the world's government.

    Theocratic Warfare, according to the Aid Book published & written by the WTBTS, is also a supposedly biblical way to earn God's approval (and WTBTS' approval) through lying to any person (government, police, military, religious, mother, father, spouse - ANYONE) "for the sake of 'this good news of the Kingdom."

    Complete godly approval for lying to help the matter how serious the lie, btw.

  • garybuss

    Waiting, Do ya think the Tower Publishing Corporation might be slightly into information control?

    Now did they figure out how to control information and raise funds at the same time? Then own and rent the masses auditoriums to hold their conventions? All the while Tower Publishing has donation boxes set up at convienient locations? Clever?

    I gotta think it's a scam worth copying . . .

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