Were your prayers ever answerd by Jehovah?

by micheal 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • maxwell

    I prayed for some specific things but I always added the qualifier if they were in God's will. While some things that I prayed for seemed to be answered if it didn't happen, I could say perhaps it wasn't God's will. So some times I did believe that my prayers were answered. However, nothing miraculous has ever happened to me. Most things that happened to me were either a result of my own actions or merely coincidence. Nothing in my life could be conclusively linked to some supernatural being or mysterious force.

  • micheal
    Nothing in my life could be conclusively linked to some supernatural being or mysterious force.

    Like those jw urban legends.

    I.E. Corn falling off the back of a truck when a special pioneer couple lost their job and needed food. Just before that they were praying for food.

  • seeitallclearlynow

    Never, while I was one of Jehovah's Witnesses. And that makes sense! Since He never backed such an apostate, false prophet organization that trampled on His Son and Provision for Salvation....

  • orangefatcat

    I have had my prayers answered during the time as a Jehovah's Witness and since. So I believe it was not the fact that I was a JW. I believe he answered me because I believed in God. So many times since leaving the organization I have had times I speak to God from my heart, not on bent knees but just is walking daily. I can converse in reverance to him and I know he hears me. Some times what I ask works out and other time not and that is okay too.

    My husband recently got me a crucifixGold Cross and it reminds me daily about Christ and God and how Christ gave his life for all of us not just JW.

    Love Orangefatcat.Prayer
    saying prayers.

  • outbutnotdown

    I agree with Gopher's comment 100%. Prayers are fulfilled OR unfufilled based on whether we choose to accept whether they are possible or not. Orangefatcat made the same viewpoint that much more asertive, just from a different angle.

    Everybody else here, IMO, has confirmed the same thought. Sometimes we find the answers to our prayers where other people would say....."WHAT THE F*** ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Sometimes there are answers in front of us that we ignore. Bottom line is that prayers, like everything else in this human world, are what we make them out to be.

    So if you want to pray, keep them realistic and then keep your actions in line with what you are praying for.


  • mouthy

    Well since I always thought I was praying to the creator of the Heavens & the Earth,,,I prayed that my husband would stop drinking- He did.... I prayed that my Parents would become JWs they didnt... I prayed that I could be forgiven for all my sins, I believe HE has... I prayed my children would live -they died, I prayed that one of my living children would talk to me( she is a JW) she called me yesterday for about an hour-I would say that isnt a bad batting average 3 out of 5??? He knows why he didnt answer my other prayers- I am hoping to ask HIM one day face to face -I am praying now that HE takes me "HOME" soon-I dont want to suffer though___ maybe a quick heart attack -or get hit by a bus , but YOU will know before me weather I get that one answered. LOL

  • herk

    Removed by poster using wrong computer.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Yes, and still are...often before I even express them in thoughts...

    Frannie B

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