I'm curious about which is the healthier choice: Satanism or jehovahs witnesses? It seems to me that you hear alot less about satanists having problems, than you do witnesses!
Satanists have Longer Life Expectancy?
by shaii 27 Replies latest jw friends
El blanko
A ' true ' Christian is hemmed in at every side, therefore it makes this life very awkward indeed. I have respect for any man or woman who attempts to apply the Christian code in this vile world.
The broad road is way easier. I trod that route for years myself, getting into all sorts of trouble, yet enjoying the vibe at the same time and having few restless nights.
But then, the gospels tell us that to get through the narrow gate is a struggle.
Satanists do not really know their God IMO anyway. I used to tell others I was a Satanist about 20 years ago, starting to practise the occult and involving myself in isolated rituals. All I gained in life was a shadow over my mind.
I am a Satanist.
It seems to me that you hear alot less about satanists having problems, than you do witnesses!
This is probably because you hear so much about JWs in general. I meet them all the time, at work, at college, on holiday etc. I don't recall ever meeting a satanist. I don't know what the figures are for satanists in the world, but if there are fewer of them than JWs, you won't hear of their problems so much. You could say the same for many other groups who stay out of the limelight.
Talking of figures, it would be interesting to know roughly how many ex-JWs there are in the world. Somebody told me they now outnumber JWs - does anyone know if this is true?
Guest 77
In the long run?
Guest 77
It probably has more to do with what you eat and your exercise routine.
Ken P.
I think anyone who devotes their life to any kind of religion is prolly not real healthy as they are too focused on being told what to do rather than on taking care of themselves.
U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
What are you talking about, the whole world is having problems. Everybody who is born suffers and after the suffering comes the Rejoicing.
Satanism is not a religion. It is total freedom.