How serious did you take stuff like this?

by kj 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • little witch
    little witch

    Not only damn the "outsider" who doesnt toe the line, but damn the "true christian" who was concerned about a wayward soul!

    What is the terminology for a possibly "receptive" person, and someone who rejects the schpiel? They actually use buzz words to differenciate between the two.

    In other words, if you havent heard of their theology and find it a possibility you are ________.. If you listen to their (much practiced) "presentation and show interest than you are _______.

    Help me out Blondie!

    My point is Black and white thinking...

  • blondie

    That quote was from a 1989 KM that referred to this WT:

    WT 11/15/88 pp. 15-16 Helping Others to Worship God

    The Witnesses offer free weekly home Bible studies so that persons can have their questions answered and can learn Bible truths. Such individuals are also invited to attend the local meetings of Jehovah?s Witnesses, even as first-century "unbelievers" attended in Corinth. But how should Jehovah?s Witnesses view persons who are studying the Bible and coming to meetings?
    We are delighted to see them approaching God. Still, we keep in mind that they are not yet baptized believers. Bear in mind also two lessons based on the previous article. (1) Israelites showed caution toward alien settlers who, though being around God?s people and obeying some laws, were not circumcised proselytes, brothers in worship. (2) Corinthian Christians dealing with ?unbelievers and ordinary persons? were on the alert because of Paul?s words: "Do not become unevenly yoked with unbelievers. For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have?"?2 Corinthians 6:1
    So while we welcome ?unbelievers and ordinary persons,? we are aware that they do not yet meet God?s standards. As the Bible indicates at 1 Corinthians 14:24, 25, such ones may need to be "closely examined," even "reproved," by what they are learning. Such reproof is not of a judicial sort; they are not called before a judicial committee of the congregation inasmuch as they are not yet baptized members of it. Rather, as a result of what they are learning, these new ones become convinced that God condemns any selfish and immoral ways.

    I can remember the days when we invited new ones and non-JW family members to get-togethers with a view to encouraging them. But no more. A sister invited a "worldly" family member to a party at her home and a brother who was her guest counseled her using the above. She reminded him that he had invited the husband of a sister to a picnic at his home just 2 months before her party. Hmmmm....somehow that was different because he "knew" that man was safe association whereas no one knew about her relative. Needless to say, that brother never saw the inside of her house again.


  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Thanks,kj, another keeper quote for my file.

  • little witch
    little witch


    Thats what they call people who are unindoctorated to their ways.

    You are "un-deserving" if you listen for two minutes and disreguard or question their beliefs!

    Thanks Blondie. I knew you would come through! Your comment stimulated my mind to the buzzes I needed, and you provided the basis of it!

  • DanTheMan

    They should rename it to Our Kindergarten Insanity.

    Let's isolate the buzzwords and towerspeak, they pack them into KM articles like Tokyo subway riders:

    association...society...God abhors...The Bible warns: "Bad associations spoil useful habits." (1 Cor. 15:33)... Some in the congregation may be inclined...worldly acquaintances...unbelieving interest in the gatherings...encourage...accept the truth... is this wise and in harmony with the Scriptures?
  • maxwell

    My parents took it fairly seriously. I don't ever remember a case of two graduations, but we rarely had gatherings that included a mix of worldly relatives and JW. A wedding or an anniversary celebration would often generate a mixed crowd. But we never had a gathering or party to which a worldly acquaintance was invited. And time with worldy relatives was limited and separate from the social gatherings with JW. Most of the time spent with "worldly" relatives in my family happened at planned family reunions.

  • toreador

    JWs are very careful to isolate themselves from outsiders who do not walk with GOD. After all who would want to be friends withs omeone God will soon destroy.

  • abbagail

    Oh Verrrrrry Seriously. Having come "OUT of the world" to side with the Kingdoom, I drew a major line in the sand (over a period of one year, studying, etc.) by eventually quitting the job I had and moving to a town where I knew NO ONE so I wouldn't have any close 'worldly associates' to deal with... and started fresh from there with the JWs, got baptized, would never listen to the radio or worldly music (while tanning on the far end of the isolated beach, I always had my ears plugged into to the KMelodies); had no social life outside of meetings and a few other JWs and the job (did 'give in' and go to the free lunch once a year for National Secretaries' Day, lol, and felt guilty for doing so)... you get the picture.

    One time a dude moved into the neighborhood and came to my door to ask me out, and I said I couldn't do that and explained my "religious reasons," and the guy proceeded to cuss me out! He was sooo pissed off, saying all I had to do was say "no," rather than make excuses from the Bible, etc., yet I was completely sincere and serious regarding the reason. Duh. Felt like a ditzo.

    Even when I hooked up with a 'much looser' JW family who basically 'adopted me' and I began hanging out with them, going on cruises, etc., I still towed the party line of staying separate from the world (none of my worldly family were JWs nor did they live in the same town, so that was never much of a problemo).

    How much can a single sista be expected to take?? I mean, really... So after 11 years of that and having No Fun to speak of, I "slowly drifted away" in that little proverbial boat and ended up out here on the rocks of la la apostaland. LOL.

    Sign me:
    Gullible GRITS

  • shamus

    I took it extremely seriously at first. When I found out that they were all morons my attitude soon changed.

  • Hapgood

    When my daughter graduated from high school, in our congregation there were 6 kids graduating at the same time. We all thought wouldn't it be great if we all pooled our money together and had a really nice graduation party for the kids. Sounded great to me. Until "Sister Spiritual" decided, and got the others to agree that no wordly people are to be invited. Keep in mind most of the family members of the other kids were in the "truth". So the other kids would get to have their Grandma's and Grandpa's in attendance and other loved ones.

    Since my daughter's Grandma, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins are wordly that would mean that she couldn't have her closest family members, that she loves dearly, attend her graduation party. Needless to say, since we were paying some of the costs and couldn't invite any of our family we backed out, we had our own party. It wasn't as spectacular, but my daughter could include her family.

    The Witness apply the scripture at Proverbs 18:1 to the weak ones, or to us ones that want to fade away and leave this religion...... "One isolating himself will seek his own selfish longing; against all practical wisdom he will break forth." But I think this scripture really applies to the JW's, they are the ones that are isolating themselves from the rest of the world. They are so frightened of having their own spiritually being tarnished by so called "wordly" people or by "undesirables", that they just can't behave in a normal civilized way. All they care about is saving their own skin.


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