I would like to note two things here.
One: I wrote a paper on the correct understanding of Matthew ch. 24. This paper was snail mailed all over, emailed too. It showed how the Society's teaching is complete error, almost front to back. The Canadian Branch Office got one proper.
- It's interesting to relate that the Circuit Overseer here is now giving a talk, parts of which are directly taken from that paper! Those lousy plagiarists... I wonder when they will use the rest of it and screw themselves royal! If they don't correct the rest, then all will discern the contradiction. If they do use it, then all will see the falsehood of their 100 year old dicta.
The second thing of note, some here are posting info. about the convention. I was getting my stomach set for 3 days of crap eating. Now that I KNOW what's coming down the pipe, it makes it that much harder.