Perhaps a creationist can tell me why? There is no use for them so were they created?
Why do men have nipples?
by donkey 44 Replies latest jw friends
Good Q! Evolution provides an answer, but afaik creation doesn't.
They're decorative and lovely!
~Aztec the aesthitic bastardess
I wanna see more male nipples!
To amuse Azzie!
For me to play with!
My first guess would be symmetry... if the female needed them for feeding the young, when you stand a man/woman side by side, how awkward it would look if he didn't at least have similar matching nips.
But what's the evolutionary reason, DrWtsn?
Curious minds want to know...
For piercing of course.
Because all embryos are female. When the sex is decided, one thing grows on the male, and another thing grows on the female. I guess the nipples just remain on the male's chest, and we get a clitoris, which is like a small penis. And they both remain sensitive. Make sense???????
But what's the evolutionary reason, DrWtsn?
Well, the default state of a human is female. The embryo only turns male later in development (after the nipples have started to form) after the "Y" chromosome "does its thing." Interestingly, sometimes the "Y" chromosome fails to act in this manner and the baby will be born as a female even though it is XY.
I guess this isn't an evolutionary answer per se, but the default sex being female seems to be incompatible with the biblical account of creation IMO.
drwtsn32 beat me to it. lol