"No special software is necessary", I've been told. Thanks, NN.
WT Bookshelf CD - I need your help!
by observador 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It doesn't surprise me that you can search a PDF based on a text document, but searching images is impressive. I have Adobe Acrobat 6.0 Professional and have not figured out how to make image-based PDFs searchable. But I haven't tried too hard.
Lady Lee
doc What I have been told is that you would use Adobe Acrobat with the Paper Capture plug-in to make searchable images. Since I don't Have Acrobat I couldn't tell you how it works but since you do have it - have some fun trying it out. And I suspect that since it is a plug-in you might have to download it.
Yeah, I tried that but it didn't seem to work. I have now learned that the creators of the PDF files on the bookshelf CD used a combination of Omnipage (OCR software) and Acrobat.
All this fancy-dancy software techie talk...LOL.
All I can say is that some (though not the majority) of the original document sources are so degraded that even a direct visual at 250% magnification doesn't reveal the original characters.
I'm no collector, but I hear that a complete collection of good-quality 20s Watch Towers is worth several $10s of thousands, and that there are only a small handful (I've heard of 2) of such collections in the US(not counting that vault at Brooklyn ).
Lady Lee
Good point Craig
If the old ones were not stored well then they wouldn't be in good shape to scan even under the best circumstances.
all great comments!
But how does one make these files searchable? I am impressed with the PDF files on the Bookshelf CD because they are scanned images of the pages yet they are completely searchable.
LadyLee, drwtsn32 is right. That is exacly what we trying to achieve: making it searcheable.
I learned that scanning the page at 300 dpi will do for the OCR. But the text result has a lot of misspellings. Unacceptable. That's why I raised the point of which is the best software to do OCR part.
So would I have to do 2 scannings of the same page: one for the OCR and another one for the pdf itself?
Yeah, I tried that but it didn't seem to work. I have now learned that the creators of the PDF files on the bookshelf CD used a combination of Omnipage (OCR software) and Acrobat.
It would be great to hear from any of the creators. Anyway you could put me in contact with any of them?
Thanks for the suggestion of pdfcreation.com.
We are grateful to any who could provide additional help. I will continue doing some additional experimentation this week.
Lady Lee
Somewhere I saw a post for you to answer your PMs
Lady Lee,
thanks for pointing this out. You're right. PM has been responded.
Thanks once again.
You have a PM.