were my ovaries acting up again?
Last night I went to see this movie. I have always been a Burton fan, I think he is one of the greatest directors of our time. His films just have his stamp all over them.
I was excited to see it. I was enjoying it, even tho I felt it wasn't great...it was serving as amusing. However, I was only 3/4 of the way through.
The last quarter of the film left me as sobby and snott ridden as a Paris Hilton/Shanon Dorhety fight. Christ! It was the most I have EVER cried in a movie.
I almost sobbed out loud!! IN A THEATER!?! Luckily I looked over at eyegirl and she was a quivering goob of snot and tears as well...so I could laugh it her, which stiffled and re-directed the sob I was trying to choke on for oh five minutes!!
Now, I noticed when the lights came up, a few other people seemed touched. But they weren't heaving piles of woe. I saw a few tissues wadded on the floor, but for the most part, everyone else seemed unaffected.
So I am just wondering, did anyone else really like this movie and squeal like hormonal woman during a Lifetime Movie?
Has Tim Burton crafted a beautiful film, or were my ovaries attacking my brain from within?