Is Tim Burton that good or...

by joannadandy 11 Replies latest social entertainment

  • joannadandy

    were my ovaries acting up again?

    Last night I went to see this movie. I have always been a Burton fan, I think he is one of the greatest directors of our time. His films just have his stamp all over them.

    I was excited to see it. I was enjoying it, even tho I felt it wasn't was serving as amusing. However, I was only 3/4 of the way through.

    The last quarter of the film left me as sobby and snott ridden as a Paris Hilton/Shanon Dorhety fight. Christ! It was the most I have EVER cried in a movie.

    I almost sobbed out loud!! IN A THEATER!?! Luckily I looked over at eyegirl and she was a quivering goob of snot and tears as I could laugh it her, which stiffled and re-directed the sob I was trying to choke on for oh five minutes!!


    Now, I noticed when the lights came up, a few other people seemed touched. But they weren't heaving piles of woe. I saw a few tissues wadded on the floor, but for the most part, everyone else seemed unaffected.

    So I am just wondering, did anyone else really like this movie and squeal like hormonal woman during a Lifetime Movie?

    Has Tim Burton crafted a beautiful film, or were my ovaries attacking my brain from within?

  • blondie

    Official website...very interesting

  • mpatrick

    I can't wait to see this film! I am not so much a Burton fan as I am a Ewan McGregor fan...was he as beautiful in this as Moulin Rouge?

    My kids love Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach. I have to admit his films are incredible.

  • lisaBObeesa

    I liked the movie, and yes, a couple tears did fall....especially when the son is telling the dad the story.... (I won't give it away...) Tim Burton is great!

    BUT, I cried more in "Somethings Gotta Give" ....That is a great movie. A really, really great movie. I cried the most from laughing...but it was not only the humor that had the tears falling. What a great movie...

    Joanna, did you see that one? What did you think?


  • Special K
    Special K

    I have seen this movie advertised Jo.. now I'm not sure I want to see it if it has that kind of effect... sounds like a real "snot flyer"..

    Hey Lisa... I really like the advertisements for "Somethings gotta give".. who is the actors in that one?


    Special K

  • joannadandy

    mpatrick- I am madly in love with Ewan myself...YUM! Frankly I think he is wonderful in anything he does, but I am pretty biased. I thought the romance scenes with him and the young version of Jessica Lange, sorry don't know that actresses name, are good--but they don't hold a candle to the scenes between Albert Finney and Jessica Lange, call me crazy but old people in love makes me goopey.

    Lisa, I didn't see Something Gotta Give, it's on my list tho.

    Special K you have to see it! I don't know if it is a snotflyer or I am just a wuss...LOL...I need an objective third party!

  • Aztec

    Hey Jo! I really liked this movie visually. I thought it got a bit sappy at the end but, it was still pretty good. I do love Tim Burton. I actually got more emotional when I watched the last Star Trek movie. Why did Data have to die???

    I liked the scenes with Jessica Lange and Albert Finney too. It would have been even more complete if Annie had been there though.


  • shamus

    As for me, I love Tim Burton. His film making is really visionary to say the least... never normal movies, always really cool. (remember Edward Scissorhands? Awesome movie!)

    I am a man so I wouldn't cry. sorry.

  • Xandria
    I saw a few tissues wadded on the floor, but for the most part, everyone else seemed unaffected.

    What ?! makes you wonder what they were doing, if they were unaffected and there are wads of tissues.

    I too like Tim Burton's movies. Will have to see this one too.


  • lisaBObeesa
    Hey Lisa... I really like the advertisements for "Somethings gotta give".. who is the actors in that one?

    Diane Keaton, who should win Best Actress for this,......No, she MUST win Best Actress for this! And Jack Nicholson, who was good, too.


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