I scanned some of the article......see if this works
Feb 15 WT
by mann377 21 Replies latest jw friends
They stole our slogan! The truth about the truth, indeed....
What does the rest of the caption say? Witnesses learning the truth about the truth by watching TV, indeed!
It doesn't really say that does it? indeed?
Hi Mann377,
Thanks for posting this Watchtower phamplet material. I want to write a strong response against the Watchtower Society, but I will hold off for now, and wait and see the various comment.
I will say that the Watchtower Society are wicked deceptive lairs bent on deliberate and willful misleading with the intent to cause the maximum possible harm to the maximum number of people. They do so, not for money necessarily, but primarily for personal power and glory. They know what former JWs are really saying, yet they persist in misrepresenting what we say, so as to scare and frighten their JW worshipers.
If anyone, and of any organization on this planet, the Watchtower Society are the real apostates - for they not only have left Jesus Christ, but they despise Jesus, and refuse to really know what he taught. The Watchtower leaders especially despise ALL former JWs, even though many are good decent people, whether they remain Christian or have chosen to not follow any system of worship.
It is the Watchtower religion that will ultimately be proven, in the courts, to be lower than child molesters. - Jim Whitney
Amazing - well said on this "information".
Having to check in and out quickly today - but look forward to reading more responses.
All best,
LOL @ the caption switch! Seriously, what did the original caption say?
The apostle Peter warned about apostates who would use "counterfeit words", spread "deceptive teachings", and 'twist the scriptures' to their own ends.
Wow.....they really ARE good at describing themselves!
Would you please post when the meeting date on which this particular study article will be discussed? I just might visit my local kingdom hall that day. ;) Maybe ALL of us evil apostates should make it a point to BE there that Sunday???
I visited my mother today and she asked me to read this WT. She said, "Read what it says about the apostates". While I was reading it, I said, "This applies to the Society---not to me!".