
by Euphemism 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • gypsywildone

    Sorry about this Euph! They really are unreasonable, that's for sure! Hopefully, your families won't get extreme on you!

  • blondie

    Well, in the end it depends on your family, Dan and Meia. I know of elders that maintain contact with their DF'd children and as long as it is kept under the table, other elders overlook it. Maybe your parents will keep contact behind the scenes.

    Love, Blondie

  • alias

    ((((Euph & Piph))))

    It's surreal... but a new beginning. Baptism nullification would be a great alternative...

    Hope things continue to work out with your family.


  • doodle-v

    Euph and Piph

    Sorry to here about this.

    Hang in there

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Euph, I've been reading some of the posts here and it occurs to me that the WTS is in actuality violating our Constitutional Rights here in America by exerting their authority over our family relationships and breaking many parent/child and sibling relationships.....ACLU might be interested in this facet of the issues we face when being ousted against our wishes.

    Frannie B

  • seeitallclearlynow

    You know, now that I think about this, I have been keeping quiet for the same reason, and yet my former father-in-law has been disfellowshipped for about 19 years, and we all still talk to him! Even his son and the new wife go over to the house and talk to him like it's nothing sometimes. I was there with them all once (was that uncomfortable - but not because of Dad! )

    No one talked to him at the funeral they all just went to, but after the funeral, his grandson went over there and had what he poignantly described as a wonderful visit with Grandma and Grandpa, "in their cozy, comfortable house."

    I'm hoping my son extends that same mercy and reasonableness to me when I come out. In fact, when I spent about an hour talking to him recently about some of the reasons I don't want to go to meetings and why I question what we've been taught, he was not uneasy, and tried to "reason" with me, and said, well, "If it's not for you, that's okay with me, but I just wish you would talk to (this particular elder)."

    So, I'll keep ya'll posted on this.

  • Piph

    Thanks so much for all your hugs and wishes for well, you guys. It means a lot to us. :-)

    When I first found out earlier today, I was actually ecstatic. It felt so good to officially no longer be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. My mom had emailed me a few days after the announcement had taken place, giving me a new email address for her, and it was a very generically friendly and loving email. So I was greatly heartened at that...they aren't going to *totally* shun us like she'd earlier promised.

    The yucky feelings came later with a brief email from her laid on a quick but knife-like guilt trip. (She's good at that...sudden and deadly...she coulda been a lawyer.) Dan (also coulda been a lawyer) emailed her back and very respectfully reminded her that we're not the ones causing her pain here. She disagrees of course, but dropped it after that. But she wants us to keep in touch here and there. They're still limiting their association, but I have a feeling my dad's behind this one. He's a softy, and I happen to be one of the few things in life he draws good feelings from.

    I plan on emailing her and reminding them that I love them and didn't want to hurt them, but that it's important for me to live for me now instead of them. I have to recover first...feeling pretty shaky at the moment.

  • Maverick

    Sorry for the pain you are being put through. When I sent the Baptizm Nullification letter it took those Bozos almost seven weeks to figure out what to do. The local PO wanted to DF me for apostacy because I sent letters to everyone I knew including family and friends in other states. When the local Elders got with the CO he told them to just DA me as an unbaptized publisher and give no further explaination. I wrote the PO and stated that in my opinion he was a liar and a coward and that my letter came right out and stated that it was not a letter of disassociation! I wrote all my friends and told them that the PO lied.

    To this date, I have never been shunned. I have Witnesses honk and wave at me when they see me in my work truck, (which has my company name in foot high letters). I have chatted with JW's at stores, in the Mall and even had two talk to me about getting them out of that mess! The only problem that I have had is a sister who has remained my friend has been threatened with being DF'd if she is caught at my house or seen eating with me...again! This one Elder drove down my street and then the alley behind my house and spotted her car there! My daughter and I think my ex-wife put some pressure on the Elders because they did nothing for so long. Everyone knows sister x and I hang out. I feel they did not want to take action because of the fallout and the power it would give to me...in their eyes...to take another sheep out of the fold!

    Could you write a letter to the CO and tell him that you did not DA yourselves, and that, and name the brother, lied from the platform about you and you require a retraction and insist that this letter be placed in your file, and you have no intention of abiding by their man-made rules on DAing? They won't retract it, but the letter will go in the file! Maverick

  • Sunnygal41

    I'm confused, Euph.......I thought we disassociated ourselves? The elders can disfellowship you but can't DA you, right?


  • loveis

    RE: Whether baptism can be nullified, note the QFR in the WT of 3-1-1960 on the similar subject of whether one can claim his baptism was not valid.

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