I just gotta vent here. Kinda hurting over this shit. Over the past couple of years, I've had nothing but disappointments with friends. A couple of years ago, I cut ties with one of them. We were friends for 19 years and we were roomates at the time. He tried screwing me out of money.
Just recently, I had a friend over at my place. We were having a helluva good time. My fiance asks him "So, are you coming to the wedding?" He says, "Well, I'm usually out of town on the weekends visiting my girlfriend's family". I was extremely tempted to kick him out of my home for saying that. What kind of a friend is that? He visits his girlfriend's family every weekend, but he can't take a weekend off for my once in a lifetime wedding?
Another "friend" treated me like shit tonight. I called him on his cell phone to get his address so I can mail him a wedding invitation. He stalled, then told me to call him back on his home phone. So I call and he's not there.
This shit's really getting me down. It almost seems that women make better friends. I have one who has been a damn good friend for 4 years. Of course, it's hard making friends with females when you're getting married.
It's damn difficult fighting life's battles when you're doing it alone. It makes you stronger, but you do get tired.