Sometimes it's the little things....

by dubstepped 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    Oh geez don't get me started.....

    Back when we were doing the "Jeremiah" book, there was a chapter on Jeremiah's secretary, Baruch.

    The proper pronunciation, the one you will hear if you listen to the audio of the scriptures on jw.borg, is "BAR-uch".

    We had a full-of-himself elder who insisted on pronouncing it, from the platform, as "Ba-ROOK".

    He is one of those types who intimidate people merely by his presence.

    So of course, for the rest of the meeting, for the rest of the chapter in following weeks, and any time the character was mentioned in the succeeding months, from every single person who made a comment, or was reading the paragraphs, it was "Ba-ROOK", "Ba-ROOK", "Ba-ROOK", "Ba-ROOK"....

    Drove me nuts.

    Finally we got past it, the character was not mentioned again for years and when finally the character came around again, the guy was no longer an elder so it has been back to "BAR-uch" ever since,

  • sir82

    A less grating example, from much longer ago, but one that also used to drive me (a little less) nuts...

    We had an elder whose first language was not English.

    In Revelation 16, the battle of "Harmageddon" is described.

    It is pronounced "HAR-mageddon", right?

    Well, despite hearing the correct pronunciation for decades from the platform himself, this guy insisted on calling it "Har-MOG-edon".

    Always took 2-3 seconds to figure out what exactly he was talking about if you weren't in tune with his habit.

  • tiki

    How many times someone would clothe the anointed with immorality instead of immortality....

    And my pet peeve..nuclear...nate knorr always said noo-kew-ler....wrong! It is noo-klee-ar.

    Is it dahr-eus or dahr-I-us.

  • stuckinarut2

    Or how about the English speaking JWs who say:

    'Jeeehovarrr' instead of Jehovah

  • dubstepped

    Lol, my thread about how easily humans follow unquestioningly, especially in a cult, has turned into how weird JWs say words or how uneducated they are.

    I can't remember the Bible name now, but my friend was supposed to give a talk on one guy and he gave it on another guy with a similar name. Many of us noticed, but the school conductor was clueless. Then again, he'd have people work on pro-NOUN-ciation, so that shows what we were dealing with. That elder was one of the three to go over my baptismal questions. I thought I failed because I put the answers in my own words and he couldn't grasp them and would correct me word for word out of a publication. He was dumb.

  • Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
    Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho

    Haha, you just brought up a funny memory of mismatched music and lyrics, @dubstepped.

    I distinctly remember a couple of years ago when the song we were to sing was Jehovah is our Refuge. The music was all wrong, but the enthusiastic brother a few rows ahead of me belted out (in perfect time with the beat):

    "JE-HO-VAH... is our REF-U-GEE!"

    Hey, a little ad-lib never hurt anyone.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, I got your point about JWs blindly following somebody (who is wrong).

    They do this because: they themselves are ignorant; they don’t want to hurt the feelings of the other person; they are afraid of what the other person would think - especially if the other person is perceived to have a “higher” status🙄... I also saw this mentality of tiptoeing around certain JW nut jobs (who pioneered or got a lot of hours in) and also “anointed” types who had a difficult personality...I’m glad I’m not there because I’d never humor these people.

    But, really, how is anybody benefited by several people repeating the same stupid mistake as the first person?

  • FedUpJW

    So, got any other little examples like that?

    Darius: Dare'-ee-us' Similar: sim-YOU'-lur Capernaum: Cap-ur-NUMB' Nebuchadnezzar: Knee'boo-CHAD'knee-zurr

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    We had a CO who wore his watch so that the face of the watch was in the direction of the palm of his hand. In other words the band was on the top of his wrist and the face on the underside. We all thought it was clever that he wore his watch that way so he could check the time unobserved, as looking at the back of your wrist would attract attention. Soon all the brothers were wearing it that way. Finally I mentioned how clever he was to wear his watch that way. He revealed the truth that he had a bump on his wrist and it was painful to wear it normally. This caused a mass reversal.

  • FedUpJW

    But, really, how is anybody benefited by several people repeating the same stupid mistake as the first person?

    Reminds me of the stupid dented cake pan illustration.

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