Oh geez don't get me started.....
Back when we were doing the "Jeremiah" book, there was a chapter on Jeremiah's secretary, Baruch.
The proper pronunciation, the one you will hear if you listen to the audio of the scriptures on jw.borg, is "BAR-uch".
We had a full-of-himself elder who insisted on pronouncing it, from the platform, as "Ba-ROOK".
He is one of those types who intimidate people merely by his presence.
So of course, for the rest of the meeting, for the rest of the chapter in following weeks, and any time the character was mentioned in the succeeding months, from every single person who made a comment, or was reading the paragraphs, it was "Ba-ROOK", "Ba-ROOK", "Ba-ROOK", "Ba-ROOK"....
Drove me nuts.
Finally we got past it, the character was not mentioned again for years and when finally the character came around again, the guy was no longer an elder so it has been back to "BAR-uch" ever since,