It seems more sensible to give thanks AFTER. What if it wasn't that good?
Pray before sex just like you do for food-W62 3/15
by krismalone 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
.... in Jesus’ name, Amen.
They've quoted 1 Timothy 4:3
"They forbid people to marry and order them to abstain from certain foods, which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and who know the truth"
They love to twist scripture. The first thing they think about when mentioning marriage is sex. They put sex in the forefront of the sheepies minds.
Marriage is an arrangement to be thankful about when you consider the aim is to provide financial and emotional stability as well as a solid support system for the couple and any future children.
Its like saying, be thankful, not for all of the food you are about to partake, but just for the icing on the cake.
stan livedeath
My wife used to require me to pray out loud before we went to sleep. Just like the child she really was.
Stan, she sounds like a nut!
Pete Zahut
Give thanks on bended knee and since you're down there....
Thy Kingdom come and so may we....
Esse quam videri
Lord, for what I am about to give to her and she is about to get from me we thank thee.
road to nowhere
True. My marriage is a support system both ways. But sex did indeed have a part in our desires and was a VERY enjoyable part of it. But 15 to 30 minutes once or twice a day, and later less frequent is not alk there is.
For any singles here ask yourself if the mate married someone else would you still wish her/ him well? That helps to see a bigger picture
road to nowhere
Bathe before and after, straight missionary, no foreplay, woman is not supposed to enjoy it;
Prayer should be for forgiveness and better self control.
I can`t believe back in the day I actually did that once or twice .
If there was anything that would lower the bar that was it .