Thanks for all your concerns & pms

by morty 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • morty

    Hi everyone,

    Some have noticed that I have not been on board for a while, and I would just like to say, thanks for all your concerns and pms.......( to my surprise, I did not think, I would be missed..)

    I really dont want to get into my health on such a wide place here, but some of you know my situation, and others have found out through personal pms....I some times find it very hard to answer eveyones pms indivually, because of bad days, but please be reasured that I appreciate your concerns, and thank you so much for caring...(((sassy)))....( latley there of been alot more bad days then good)....Not looking for pitty party in the least, just trying to explain my situation, wthout going into long winded explanations.....

    I know there is a few here that live with cronic pain, and hopefully very soon I will get the call from the hospital that they have a bed and a time slot booked for me to have my surgery.......

    Thanks again,

    Love Morty

  • little witch
    little witch

    I hope you get well soon Morty!

    Yep, I noticed a silence from you too, just thought you were busy.

    Hopefully you can get your surgery soon, and post more. I miss ya!

  • pettygrudger


    Love ya!

  • Sassy

    You definately are miss Morty.. Here is hoping things can get better soon!!

    but we love ya! Don't forget it for a moment!

  • iiz2cool


    I haven't been online much lately either, but have missed you here. Hope you're well soon.


  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Hope you are well Michelle,

    The sun must be shining somewhere in Ontario,


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Feel better soon..... the board can always use another interesting poster....


  • calamityjane

    Hoping you feel better soon.



  • Valis

    get well soon morty!


    District Overbeer

  • Aztec

    Awwwwww! Michelle, I noticed you weren't here even when I was being distracted with arguing. I've missed your huge emails too. LOL! My day is just not complete unless hotmail tells me I have no more storage available. Take care of yourself hon. You are very much appreciated here.


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