Hi and Welcome. Although your account of early life was similar to mine in lots of ways, just look at you now. You and your father have bridged the gap that divided you for so long and now you have a wonderful, loving relationship!
When I hear of good things like this happening, I am reminded of the words to an older song........"you saved the best for last". That is how I feel as well. I never really had the opportunity to get close to my father, although I will have to say, he was trying a bit there towards the end of his life to extend his "love". Life with mom had just ruined our family relationships along the way.
I don't place all the blame on her, but I often wonder how it would have been if dad had truly been allowed to be the head of the house and the JW event had not overtaken mom. I wonder why he didn't attempt to get close to his children, and just left everything up to her, so she also taught us that he was worldly and doomed to die. How lonely and outcast he must have felt.
He passed away a few years ago. All those "what if's" used to haunt me; but now I realize that he just went through another door that I cannot see in my present form, and someday our souls will entertwine in peace, unity and understanding.
I'm so happy you are here. Your positive attitude, your love and compassion shines through, even though you suffered for a long time.