Too add,I hate it,when parents get mad at thier children for bed wetting.Some stop around the age of 4..etc Like I said in my latter post,it is grown out of.
It is a hormonal problem.
by got my forty homey? 32 Replies latest jw friends
Too add,I hate it,when parents get mad at thier children for bed wetting.Some stop around the age of 4..etc Like I said in my latter post,it is grown out of.
It is a hormonal problem.
Back again.....
I had my bladder stretched and I took medication to wake myself up when I had the urge to pee.Didn't last long.
I do have kidney problems tho..but I'm sure this has nothing to do with me wetting myself.
The very day I was driven out of my hometown, shortly after disfellowshipment, and was finally out of THAT HOUSE and out of an imprisoned way of life...I NEVER wet the bed again. That very night my mom set me free.
I learned later it was all about f.e.a.r. and the imprisonment.
Glad to know I wasn't alone in this. Sleepovers were torturous by the way. Jw kids CAN be cruel too.
This is such a strange post but enlighting. I thought my family was the only strange one. My mom had 7 kids and every other one wet the bed. My mom also wet the bed as a child though, so I think it is also heridity.
I was a serious bedwetter until I was 14. Sleep-overs were the worst!
I'm afraid I still have this problem.
My sister, had a terrible time with bed wetting. We would have to sleep together at times at night and all of a wake up cold and wet. My poor sister was so afraid of the dark that she was afraid to get out of bed to go. I remember being shaken away at night. I remember night lights were not enough to over come the fear of the dark and of demons under the bed. I think, the overwhelming fear was part of how we were raised. Also, knowing our parents could not protect us from every thing was a major factor too. In fact they put us in situations that were traumatizing.
Putting children in situations they do not know or should not have to handle is not parenting. Many times, there was something to really be afraid of in the dark. Due to the people our parents (my mom and step dad) allowed to be around us. Many of us, have trust issues because we were told we could trust these people or our parents would trust these people, who turned out to be horrible.
I know my sisters, brothers and I have come along way and the journey is not over yet.
At the time we were not JWs. Up to the age of 5 I would pee my bed at least three times a week. A Dr. asked me if I knew why. I told him that I dreamt that I was getting out of bed to pee, but in the dream when I would let R rip, I'd instantly wake up in the act of pissing myself. We talked for a while, and he helped me figure a way to wake up from the dream.
In my dreams as an adult, if I start wandering around looking for a restroom or other, I eventually wake up. My nephew used to wet his bed, but I think he is also past that now.
Wow, very interesting. My son has a problem with bed wetting. He is 5 and large for his age so it gets REALLY expensive to buy the Good Nights or Pull Ups. I have tried getting him up, cutting off liquids, pretty much everything available for a 5 year old. His dad of course says he didn't have a bed wetting problem. Funny, cuz he wet the bed when I was with him. (If you want more details like name, address, picture, dob, ssn, let me know-the &^%&*^$#$ still owes me 16 grand in child support) My son went for a few months when he was first potty trained not wetting the bed at night but now it is every night again. Hmm. Thanks everyone for sharing your stories and information!!!
I did pee pee n my bed until I was 13. My parents tried everything to make me stop. from beatings to uinating on a hot brick and having me smell the urine vapor to having me wear pampers. I could not drink water at night and all kinds of crazy things my parents tried.
At the age of 13, I saw an ad in a newspaper abut help for bedwetters once with a phone number. I called the number saying that I was calling to for my brother who had the problem.
I finally confesses to the man over the phone that it was me the bed peer. I wanted to know how much it would cost for the cure> he asked me what was I doing now to stop peeing in my bed. I told him what my parents wereputting me through. He told me to drink all the water I wanted at night and that I could pee on the mattress all that I wanted, they would be able to give us as many mattresses as I ruined. And not to fell embarresed about peeing in bed if my parents told others about it.
I told my parents what the man said. They hesitated about me drinking water at night but I drank about 3 glasses full. I never wetted my bed again,
the man called back acouple of months later saking me how wasI doing. I told him that I stopped. But I never thanked him because I did not relaize how much he helped me back then. Never again evr not even a drop.