1350 in attendance 5 kids baptised. An astonishing growth of 0.3 percent. The org charged $13,000 for the wonderful program!
cleveland ohio CA results
by nowwhat? 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A Believer
We don't charge a clergy. Just a donation box sitting in a corner. Sometimes it bes months before I put anything in it. Their is no passing of it like in churches.
2 Shepherd the flock of God under your care, serving as overseers, not under compulsion, but willingly before God; not for love of dishonest gain, but eagerly; 3 not lording it over those who are God’s inheritance, but becoming examples to the flock.
The org charged $13,000 for the wonderful program!
A Believer
Well it would be hard to maintain an org and publish and print the materials we read without money. It's why we give whenever we want, their is no requirement to. -
nowwhat - is the attendance in line with what was expected?
Do they still have the CA in the hall on Vine Street in Willoughby? I hated that place especially after they remolded it and took out the wall in the back. I am from Cleveland BTW.
The auditorium seats about 1000. They used to keep it to around 850 for attendance. But the last couple years they have been jaming us in like sardines with about 1300. They have people sitting on hard picnic tables in the cafeteria. Its a total miserable experience.
Well it would be hard to maintain an org and publish and print the materials we read without money. It's why we give whenever we want, their is no requirement to.
That's not quite true. Every Circus Assembly has a donation amount assigned by the Branch that they MUST reach and forward to the Branch as a donation. If they fail to attain the required amount of "voluntary" donations, then the Circus Assm Overseer will send a letter out to each Cong to inform them of the shortfall and the specific amount that each Cong must pay to offset the shortfall.
So you see, the donations are only "voluntary" if they exceed the required donation.
Welcome A Believer,glad to have you on board stick around here and I guarantee you will learn more about Jehovahs Witnesses than you will ever get from attending KH meetings or WT studies.
This brother explains it pretty well, since he was in charge of collection at the assembly. watch it with a little critical thought