Its very hard, especially with JW's who have many years of brainwashing. But I found patience and calmness help. The other night I was speaking to my Father about my complaints, field service reports, personality problems, etc. He then tried to compare the earthly society to my job. I then told him that my job is a Government agency and does not profess to be "the truth". He couldn't respond and I then left it alone and changed the subject. It can take lots of time and years but I am patient and can only wittle away at his "faith".
How to reason with someone who has all the answers?
by smurfette 12 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks again Scully, that was exactly the kind of answer I've been looking for.
LoL Elswhere!
I agree with you Got My 40, patience and whittling is my only hope with my mom.
I have found that the only way to talk to JWs is to ask questions, simple questions, and keep your cool. The questions should be about the fundamentals of the cult. Getting into the scripture and what it says is a waste of time . You can discuss the various passages in the Bible and spend your lifetime at it and never resolve the dispute. They will try to lure you into what the Bible says, and once there, you and he will get bogged down in a sea of verbal mish mash that you will not be able to get out of.Good luck.