Lots Of Whining And Complaining About Us JW's

by Deaconblues1914 80 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Deaconblues1914

    In reading these posts, it sounds like a lot of you are very jealous of the Wt. Society’s annual income and the money they/we have in the bank. Jehovah has indeed blessed us. HIS people! It takes money to fulfill our commission, yes our command from our lord and master Jesus Christ to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” - (Matthew 28:19, 20). Should we do it on air? What other religious organization on earth has been able accomplish what we have? Yes, to fulfill that command at Matthew 28:19, 20? NONE! As the apostle Paul was inspired to write at Ephesians 4:5, 6 that there is only "One Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” YES! There is only ONE true faith. One true religion. And WE, yes, Jehovah's Witnesses are that one true religion. As Peter said to Jesus, 'where else are we going to go lord?' Yes. What other religion on the face of this earth is truly preaching the good news of the kingdom? What other religion is as completely united as Jehovah's Witnesses? NONE! Instead of crying and whining about how much money we have or other problems you have with Jehovah's Witnesses, go to our website (https://www.jw.org/en/) and see what we are doing. Who we really are and what we are accomplishing. And if you left the "truth," come back to the truth before it's too late. Time is running out folks. Soon, very soon the four winds of destruction will be unleashed upon the earth. Jesus and all the holy angels will soon destroy this system of things. The question is,... do you want to be among the few survivors? If so folks, seek out your local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. They will help you to get on “the road leading off into life.” It’s a very narrow road like Jesus Christ stated at Matthew 7:14. And few are finding it. And a lot of people on this board would like nothing better than to prevent YOU from getting on it with their anti-Jehovah's Witnesses rhetoric. Go to our site now and find the truth for yourself. And as I said earlier, if you have left us for whatever reason, return to us while there is still time to do so folks. https://www.jw.org/en/

  • Steel

    You are nothing but an unpaid telemarketer in a club teaching a false gossip who worships a golden calf called the governing body.


  • berrygerry

    Soon, very soon

    Can you commit to a maximum time - eg. 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, 40 years?

  • Steel

    I do believe in God Jesus and the bible and there is a day coming when you phony baloney cults will be wiped off the face of the earth.

  • oppostate

    Nah. I have found truth, and it confirms the JW 0rganization is full of deceit. Maybe one day you will wake up to The Truth About The Truth.

  • jaydee

    OK, I'm in......

    Image result for thumbs up emoji

  • baker


    Obviously you don't pay attention at assembly,s and at Kingdumb halls to say away from sites such as these, you might get sucked in, watch this Governing body message and take heed from his "Bible Based talk"

  • dubstepped
    Deluded Brainwashed Cult Victim: What other religious organization on earth has been able accomplish what we have? Yes, to fulfill that command at Matthew 28:19, 20?

    You do realize that other religions have grown faster than you, and that often it is other religions that break ground in being the first to take the Bible to new lands, right? Or do you just believe your own hype that has been indoctrinated into you?

    As the apostle Paul was inspired to write at Ephesians 4:5, 6 that there is only "One Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” YES! There is only ONE true faith. One true religion. And WE, yes, Jehovah's Witnesses are that one true religion. As Peter said to Jesus, 'where else are we going to go lord?'

    Actually, Peter asked "WHOM shall we go away to?". You see, that line you parroted is just more brainwashing to make you feel like you have to stay where you are to follow Jesus. Peter was pointing out that it was Jesus that one should follow, not the magnificent seven in New York.

    Yes. What other religion on the face of this earth is truly preaching the good news of the kingdom?

    Lots of them. They may just not view the kingdom in the same literal way as you.

    What other religion is as completely united as Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Pretty much any brainwashed cult.

    And if you left the "truth," come back to the truth before it's too late. Time is running out folks.

    Haven't you been saying that since the late 1800's?

    Soon, very soon the four winds of destruction will be unleashed upon the earth. Jesus and all the holy angels will soon destroy this system of things. The question is,... do you want to be among the few survivors?

    Not if I have to live with brainwashed morons that cannot exercise free will because their cult has taken their ability to think and act autonomously away from them. I'd rather die than live with the toxic people in your religion. After all, would you want to drink from a cup with even a little poison in it (a favorite JW illustration).

    Go to our site now and find the truth for yourself. And as I said earlier, if you have left us for whatever reason, return to us while there is still time to do so folks.

    Let he that is standing beware that he does not fall. The arrogance of Jehovah's Witnesses knows no bounds.

    If you're truly honest-hearted you won't mind discussing what you believe, right. I mean, we can ask you questions and you'd be happy to answer them for us, wouldn't you? If you have the ability to think for yourself and don't need to rely on your website to do the talking for you, you should be "ready to make a defense before one that asks it of you", right? I have some questions for you, and I'd love to hear your answers. You should be able to wield your "sword" well, otherwise you're just promoting a website instead of the actual Bible.

  • IronSharpensIron

    This Organization you have devoted your soul to will never offer you anything more than conditional love, empty lies and deceit. You will give it everything. You may even be a honest hearted person doing what you think is right. It will give you nothing in return but heart ache and broken families, if not molested anxiety ridden children. I am so sorry that you are so very blinded. When you become disillusioned by the reality of your organization, this website will still be here and there will be an entire community of people here to receive you without judgment, in love and understanding at how truly lost you are.

    Much love,


  • Deaconblues1914

    Bad language. That's all? Some Christian you are Steel. And what is your truth? What is your "true religion" for the rest of you? Are any of you preaching the Good News of the Kingdom? Or do you just waste your time preaching about how bad JW'S are? Yeah. That's what you ALL do. Waste your time preaching about how bad us JW'S are. Most of you are or probably have been DF'D. And no doubt deserved it. Or have some other trivial complaint with us. Or you just don't have what it takes to practice true Christianity. So sad. So sad.

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