The person in question is my husband's mother who is a JW. She is in her late 40s... has been a devout dub for 20 years or so, and has never to my knowledge had any spiritual "problems". She exhibits every characteristic that the typical rank-and-file should have. In our personal conversations, she always tells me how strong her faith is and how it pulls her through everything, blah blah blah... (I was never a JW - my husband, her son, has been inactive for 2 years).
I lived with their family for about a year, and I started noticing that her health seemed to be conveniently problematic. She tended to have "headaches" on meeting nights. The family attributed it to stress, so she got a new job (her old job required a lot of travel and long hours, so this was good). The new job required her to work a lot of nights and even Sundays, but to my knowledge, she never complained to her boss nor tried to get out of working. The headaches continue despite medicine, but I can't help but notice they seem to be worse when she has obligations at the Hall. Often, her husband and the rest of their dub family goes out on service without her. I can't remember the last time she went out on service -- yet everyone is ignoring it.
I know she has some health issues - but I actually think they are linked to the stress of being in that religion, especially now that her son is inactive. I don't think she's consciously getting sick to miss meetings, but maybe subconsciously she's avoiding it? I don't know. Health issues aside, I have been wondering lately if she is secretly having doubts... I know when we had some family crap (us getting married, with me being worldly), her concerns were not what God would think, but what the "Congregation might say" and if her husband would lose privileges because of it. She didn't seem concerned that we were (Supposedly) displeasing Jehovah or whatever. Just that the elders might come after her or something. She just hasn't been the same since then.
I don't want to ask her, because I do NOT want to be seen as an apostate (I'm not. They've said so. Since I am nonreligious and have been very supportive of their faith and my husband's freedom to do what he wants, I'm okay in their eyes) .. but I don't even know what to watch for. I don't know if this is a sign or if I'm overreacting. I don't know if someone can have doubts without knowing it.
I guess I'm just looking for thoughts... I love this woman so dearly and respect her right to believe in whatever she wants. But if she is unhappy in this faith, and if it is making her ILL, then I wish she would realize it and get out for her own health's sake.