Why Do Some People Wear A Mask While Driving Alone In Their Car?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • GregW

    Right now, it is probably because they think a mask is going to stop them from getting this "cold". Blatant stupidity.

    Its quite documented now that this contagious virus is a bit more that a simple cold, it has killed 354,000 in the US alone,

    1,800,000 around the world

    So who here is playing stupid and intellectual dishonest ?

    The answer to the posed OP question is fear tainted with ignorance.

    Kind like why people gravitate to religoius cults in lot of ways when you think about it.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Pick the right religious cult, you may be given the status of 'immune'.

    Wonder if they'll set up a cult called Sick, Sick, Sick?

  • minimus

    Greg no issue here with the severity of this thing. But wearing a mask alone in a car or at home???

  • Queequeg

    I've got better things to care about.

  • carla

    I don't know either, why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets? another thing to ponder......

  • minimus

    Quee and Carla, not even close to the same. Lol

    Quee , you need to care about this a lot. 🤓

  • carla

    I know! neither one makes sense, that's all.

    (yes, I wear my mask going to the store, gas station, etc...)

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Some of these individuals are Uber drivers who are in between lifts. It just may be they're being 'uber' careful after leaving someone off.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    If it's cold they are using the mask like a scarf?

  • minimus

    Lol the Uber driver excuse?? Now that’s a good one!👍

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