Clever/snappy comeback for "you're an apostate"

by Dagney 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dagney

    I'm looking for some clever comebacks.  I really don't care that I am an apostate, but would like to deliver a quick comeback or two to perhaps make the other person think.  

    Any suggestions most welcome.  

    Apostately yours,


  • OneEyedJoe
    So was Jesus and all the apostles.
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  • cappytan
    "So was Charles Taze Russell."
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  • Dagney

    Ha!  Good.  "Then I'm in good company aren't I!"  

    (I'm off for some damage control...sigh...never stops.)

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  • kairos

    Those were my two!

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    ~ "The hypocritical Jewish religious leaders also considered the apostle Paul to be an apostate. And I bet they also considered Jesus to be an apostate."

    ~ "Is that how you deal with the unpleasant fact that you can't refute what I'm saying - by resorting to childish name-calling?"

    ~ "An apostate is one who leaves true christianity - that would include one who despises what the bible actually says to follow a hierarchical man-made organization spreading falsehoods and lording it over the sheep."

    ~ "No I'm just following the advice of 2 Timothy 3:5 which helped me realize that I should turn away from hypocritical religious organizations."

  • millie210

    Anyone who left their former religion to become a Witness is an apostate!

    So there!


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  • rebel8

    "So are you." (A version of "I know you are but what am I.")

    You'll get a WTH look back, to which you reply that the other person left their religion du jour and they're apostates from that religion. Also, dubs are using the books of the bible selected by the Catholic Church back in the day, so the whole jw religion is apostate from Catholicism in a way. Also, dubs split off from 7th Day Adventists, blahbety blah blah blah.

    Also, "Yes, that's a word meaning I left a church. Some cults, such as Mormonism, have attached extra meanings to the word, going beyond what is written in the dictionary and bible. Some say it means someone is fundamentally evil. One hallmark of cults is in-group language. Do you know what in-group language is?" And then give the death stare back without breaking eye contact or speaking. Your goal here is awkward silence--hold onto it.

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  • Oubliette

    Name calling is so juvenile. But if you insist, "No, I am not an apostate. The Governing Body members are the apostates. I'm the stable one around here!"

  • eyeuse2badub

    May I ask "How does the GB get 'new light'? If the 'new light' is different from previous teachings of the wtbts, then isn't the GB member who introduces the 'new light' an apostate?"

    just saying!



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