I don't know whether anyone else has posted a thread on this development:
Mark the Date: March,20 2017 Austrailian Royal Commission to Reopen Its JW Child Abuse Inquiry
by Room 215 15 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I was just about to post this too. I am so happy that the Royal Commission will continue to keep this in the forefront.
Wait and see how the society spins this as "more falsehoods and persecution"
Will this be broadcast live via the web as before?
Hope they summon each and every one of the GB members and those who helps push their bullshit around.
Oh, Fan - bloody - tastic!
I believe a GB member appearing at this hearing is as likely as Sam Herd becoming Queen of England.
O'Brien and Toole, however will be sweating like paedophiles in a prison riot.
My understanding is that the Royal Commission will furnish its findings to date, including recommendations to and requirements of JW organization.
Based on an exchange between the judge and the Commission's lawyers (recorded on video during the initial hearing in July August last year), the bulk of the report will be all ready completed - but n draft form, awaiting finalizing.
From this hearing, the Commission will then furnish a completed report - like other completed reports from Commissions of Inquiry - which will then be tabled in parliament with suggested sanctions if requirements are not met.
The Searcher
Excellent news, and something to look forward to, early in 2017!
Wow! Bloody fantastic!
Thanks for the heads up!