Beards: Growing One

by RAYZORBLADE 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Dave grew a beard this year too. I think it looks great!! I even like the white hair. Makes him look distinquished. (The others are Safe4kids and Inky)

  • asleif_dufansdottir

    Steven hasn't shaved or even trimmed his beard in probably 8 years. His beard is really curly and not very thick...when he combs it straight out it's long...kinda ZZ Top looking, but it curls up most of the time so it doesn't look as long as it really is.

    He does it because he hates shaving, and he's lazy His hair is so curly that it grows under the skin a little before it comes out, and when he shaved he bled alot.

    That was my main objection to him getting baptised as a JW (before I ever started studying). I'd never seen him without a beard at that time (married several years) and didn't want to. He looked 14. Glad he's back to what passes for normal for him now...long hair and a beard.

  • orangefatcat

    This Orange Fat Cat 15 loves an man in a beard. It's sexy and yummy. It

    And Razor you look good enought to eat.Cupid 2

    Of course I am taken, but hey I can still love ya .Cool Heart

    Orange Fat Cat 15



    You couldn't mess up that handsome face no matter what you do to it!!!!!! I like it, it looks very good. I personally don't like beards they look good on very FEW men. (just IMO) I do love goatee's.

    You little Hottie YOU!! Miss ya!~

  • avishai
    only he has a thin mustache which connects with thin lines down to the beard..

    That would be a Van Dyke!!

  • Huxley

    Well, I'm planning on going as Leo Tolstoy for Halloween next year, so I'm letting it grow.

    It's going to be a long itchy summer...


  • LittleToe

    It's only really itchy in week two and three.

    In the last two years I've had every kind of sculpture you could think of, excepting a moustache, which I took a pic of before shaving it completely off.

    The full beard will likely age you, and usually needs to be kept to a reasonable length if you work corporately.
    A Goatie is probably the trendiest.

    I have to keep mine to a reasonable length, otherwise I start chewing it, and that's just gross (not to mention the furballs ) !!!


    Well, so far so good. From the two pics, you can see, it's not that long, or so it appears. I can pinch an inch under my chin. Because I work in a pub/tavern, I could look like Rip Van Winkle if I truly wanted. So having a beard/moustache/goatee, is not a problem whatsoever.

    LT, you right. It is a bit itchy for a brief period of time, but it does go away. The tempation to shave, is there, but if you can get through that brief itchy period: you're set.

    Honestly, it may make me look older etc., well....I'm 41, so who am I trying to kid to look younger. The compliments have all been favourable thus far: in-person and here.

    I'm hoping that the lower part, the chin part will be a few inches come May/June. No moustache, just under the lower lip/chin and a trimmed jaw line and sideburns.

    Something different.

  • Special K
    Special K

    I like your new look Ray... you look age... and cool with your glasses..Does your glasses have a yellow tinge.. that looks (as my kids would say).. "SWEET" ?


    Special K

  • Insomniac

    I'm not a big facial hair fan personally, but you guys look really good! My boyfriend's face hair is always changing, from clean-shaven to full beard to goatee, and I find that the goatee looks good on him, but with a full beard he looks chubby and less cute. But hey, find what looks good on you, and go for it!

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