90 to 130 Years - JWs are still waiting

by Amazing 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Yes Folks - the JWs are still waiting,

    In a galaxy not too far away, 130 years ago this year, Chucky Russell, a very young man in his fantasy-mind 20s, decided that Jesus Christ had returned invisibly in his so-called "second presence." The year was 1874. This date was still understood and believed as of two other important times to Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Cedar Point Ohio Convention in the 1920s, where JF Rutherford stated the now famous words, "Advertize, Advertize, Advertize the King and his Kingdom. When quoting this in their more recent publications, the Watchtower Society fails to add the rest of the context where JF Rutherford proclaimed proudly in phrasing that stated something close to this, "Do you believe it, do you believe it, do you believe that Jesus returned in 1874?" You can find this in the booklet, "Millions now living will never die" that quotes the entire speech. I will dig it out later today and get the exact language.

    Then in the book, Prophecy, written in 1929 by Joey Ratherflawed, at the bottom of page 65, Rutherford stated in his usual bombastic overconfident style that Jesus Christ returned in 1874.

    What does all this mean? That the Bible Students (JWs) still looked to 1874 as the time of Jesus Return as late as 1929. It means that they did not consider 1914 as the time of Jesus return, or inspection of the Temple, or their appointment as the FDS ... nor the resurrection of the anointed in 1918 ... they believed non of that. So technically, their entire belief system which today centers on 1914 never really existed for them for up to 15 years AFTER 1914! Making their claims about being appointed the FDS a total fraud, even by their own doctrine ... unless one accepts ex-post-facto fulfillment of prophecy ... something that seems unlikely for God to attempt.

    Giving them the benefit of the doubt in the stroke of a pen, we shift to 1914 ... that Jesus really returned this time, they really mean it now ... that the start of the Last Days and the Last Generation commenced in 1914 ... all due to end within 70 or 80 years according to Pslam 90:10 which describes the maximum length of a life span ... what do we see? Did the end come in 1984 or by 1994? No, now we see that Ninty years (90) have now passed by as of the year 2004. Mmmmmmm, very interesting ... very interesting indeed!

    Yet, the JWs are still waiting, however you count it, 90 to 130 years ... in that time at least Noah was able to built an ark and get afloat. The JWs are still waiting, and will likely keep on waiting until their leaders invent a new date, a date that they will really mean that time, and then the JWs will be pleased to wait some more.

  • Nosferatu

    I've come up with my own saying that I live by, "If you spend your life waiting, you'll grow old and die".

  • freedom96

    It is too bad that so many millions of people put their life on hold, not reaching out and enjoying all it has to offer.

  • JeffT

    Reading the complete quote of that speech was the thing that finally pushed me all the way out. When I compared it to the censored versions being put out in the newer publications I realized that no only were they wrong, they knew they were wrong, and were trying to cover it up.

  • logansrun

    Somewhat on topic:

    Didn't the Society make a hullabaloo about the centenniel of the Watchtower in 1979? This year (2004) is the 125th anniversary of the first Watchtower magazine. I wonder if they will point this fact out -- perhaps a special issue, "125 years of prophetic failure"?


  • Mary

    Yet, the JWs are still waiting

    Yes sirree bob! "Expectation postponed is making the heart sick." It "keeps panting on to the end" and "Even if it should delay, it will without fail come to pass."

    If memory serves, there was a new and improved WT study either last year or the year before where they made a comment about the "Millions Now Living Will Never Be Able to Retire Die!" crap that Rutherford made in the '20s. It said something to the effect of 'while that statement may have been presumptuous, we can say without doubt that it applied to our day.'

    Apparently, they're so desperate for prophecies, that instead of making new ones up, they're just recycling the old ones..........

  • Undecided

    Just about everyone that taught me that crap is dead now. Only a few are left of my family who believed that. If those who are being taught that the end is right around the corner would look back, they might be a little more hesitant to believe it. That is what used to sustain our interest, what are they using now??

    Ken P.

  • stillajwexelder

    Millions now living will believe any bull---t they are fed

  • Blueblades

    Remember that commercial where the man is sitting in front of his VERY SLOW computer and he is all covered in cobwebs and he is repeating over and over to himself:"ANY DAY NOW,ANY DAY NOW.Well I met his daughter,who looks just like him,and I said to her,any day now,any day now,and she cracked up laughing out so loud. She couldn't believe that I would make the connection from her to her dad who did that commercial.

    I asked her if her dad was still sitting at his very slow computer repeating the words,any day now,any day now,because I know of a specific group of people who are still saying to themselves,any day now,any day now.I wondered to myself if the person who originated those words was a former jw.Of cause the commercial was trying to sell a faster modem for your pc.

    Yes,and they,the jw's are covered in spiritual cobwebs,as they continue to repeat,any day now.......


  • TD

    From the November 1, 1922 Watch Tower:

    "Bible prophecy shows that the Lord was due to appear for the second time in the year 1874. Fulfilled prophecy shows beyond a doubt that he did appear in 1874. Fulfilled prophecy is otherwise designated the physical facts; and these facts are indisputable. All true watchers are familiar with these facts, as set forth in the Scriptures and explained in the interpretation by the Lord?s special servant.

    Jesus himself declared that in the time of his presence he would conduct a harvest of his people, during which he would gather unto himself the true and loyal ones. for some years this work has been in operation and is nearing completion. He stated that during his presence he would have one who would fill the office of a faithful and wise servant, through whom the Lord would bring to his people meat in due season. All the facts show that those prophecies have been fulfilled.

    Why has the King come? To set up his kingdom and reign as King. but he had a work to do before his reign began, and that is a preparatory work. Since there are to be associated with him in his reign his body members, these must be gathered together and prepared for the beginning of the reign. the gentile times under the supervision of the god of this world ended August 1, 1914. Before that date it would not have been consistent for the Lord, the King of glory, to take unto himself his great power and reign. Since he has been present from 1874, it follows, from the facts as we now see them, that the period from 1874 to 1914 is the day of preparation. This in no wise militates against the thought that "the time of the end" is from 1799 until 1914. That period from 1799 to 1874 could not be said to be a day of preparation, but a day of increasing light. It is not reasonable to think that the King began to make preparations until he was present.

    For six thousand years God has been preparing for this kingdom. For nineteen hundred years he has been gathering out the kingdom class from amongst men. Since 1874 the King of glory has been present; and during that time he has conducted a harvest and has gathered unto himself the temple class. Since 1914 the King of glory has taken his power and reigns. He has cleansed the lips of the temple class and sends them forth with the message. The importance of the message of the kingdom cannot be overstated. It is the message of all messages. It is the message of the hour. It is incumbent upon those who are the Lord's to declare it. The kingdom of heaven is at hand; the King reigns; Satan's empire is falling; millions now living will never die.

    Do you believe it? Do you believe that the King of glory is present, and has been since 1874? Do you believe that during that time he has conducted his harvest work? Do you believe that he has had during that time a faithful and wise servant through whom he directed his work and the feeding of the household of faith? Do you believe that the Lord is now in his temple, judging the nations of earth? Do you believe that the King of glory has begun his reign?

    Then back to the field, O ye sons of the most high God! Gird on your armor! Be sober, be vigilant, be active, be brave. Be faithful and true witnesses for the Lord. Go forward in the fight until every vestige of Babylon lies desolate. Herald the message far and wide. The world must know that Jehovah is God and that Jesus Christ is King of kings and Lord of lords. This is the day of all days. Behold, the King reigns! You are his publicity agents. Therefore advertise, advertise, advertise, the King and his kingdom." (pp. 333,334)

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