With the number of no-tests, I expect to get it at some point. Given the occupation I have, I expect to come in contact with someone with coronavirus (and probably someone that doesn't have symptoms yet). Even with all the hand washing and sanitizer, that only does so much if someone coughs in the vicinity. (And masks offer incomplete protection, too.) Not that I am specifically worried--I usually miss out on most flus, including the swine flu when it went widespread in my area.
But, that doesn't mean I am doing nothing else about it. The next line of defense is to make it more of "Oh wow, that didn't even hurt!". I know that it doesn't get another chance, so if the first one doesn't hurt, that's it. Beyond vitamin C (and yes, that reduces my colds down to about half or slightly less), I have been taking vitamin D, astragalus, elderberry syrup (which is good to help the immune system), lycopene (so my immune system doesn't waste energy on inflammation where not warranted), schisandra berry powder (also helps the immune system), and numerous herbs and minerals for my pineal gland. I have echinacea and oregano oil on hand, just in case. That should reduce the chances of its hurting.
More of an issue, I am finding widespread limits on grocery items in my area (as is the case everywhere). There are spotty supplies on toilet paper, Lysol, bleach, oatmeal, pasta, rice, peanut butter, and cleaning supplies. Once we get a total lockdown, I expect either the stores will be closed totally, or we will have to show papers to verify that we are going for necessities and not luxuries (and they decide what constitutes "necessities"). It might also be impossible for deliveries to enter or leave the area, meaning shortages of items that are even worse than we have now. And, if they do pack the churches this Easter, I expect we are going to see more people actually catching coronavirus from church, and then the problem will be even worse.