If there is one subject that provokes emotion, it is child abuse. The Roman Catholic Church nearly went down because of this epidemic. Many in the ex-JW community feel that if anything could bring the Watchtower down, it is the issues involving child abuse. Some people feel that if a crime is committed against a child, especially of a sexual nature, it is unforgivable---quite literally. For some, almost nothing could stop the hatred of the person who perpetuates such a horrible crime. I really don't know how I might handle it if my daughter or wife was sexually abused. Knowing how I am, I'm sure I'd want to hurt the pervert (or do worse). Whether I could deal with that, I don't know. But as bad a "sin" it is, I don't think it's unforgivable........How do you feel about this???
Is Child Abuse The Unforgivable Sin?
by minimus 13 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
If someone has it in their heart to forgive them, that's great. I don't think I could...depending on the degree of abuse. Meditated sexual abuse I couldn't get over. Physical abuse I could forgive if it really seemed the person had changed their ways and did whatever possible to reconcile their errors...don't imagine that happens a lot though.
I do not think child abuse is forgivable. If any sick bastard were to molest my 9 year old sister, the cops would have to get him first or it would be hard to restrain myself from cutting off his winkie and feeding it to him for dinner. Hearing the horrible abuse stories my mom suffered from her sick parents, I wish a painful death upon my grandfather (my psychotic grandmother is already dead! GOOD).
Surely it's instinctive to want to care for and protect children?
If a person not only doesn't have that instinct but actually conspires to harm children, I'd say it was pretty well unforgiveable. If they harm children, they won't stop at anything IMHO.
The Roman Catholic Church nearly went down because of this epidemic.
I disagree, there are still a ton of catholics.
Some people feel that if a crime is committed against a child, especially of a sexual nature, it is unforgivable---quite literally
Child molesters can be forgiven, they should still be killed.
For some, almost nothing could stop the hatred of the person who perpetuates such a horrible crime
I dont hate them, i feel pity.
Knowing how I am, I'm sure I'd want to hurt the pervert (or do worse). Whether I could deal with that, I don't know. But as bad a "sin" it is, I don't think it's unforgivable........How do you feel about this???
I don't know if i'd want to hurt them, I'd certainly want them dead, as this is the ultimate deterrent. No one more could get hurt. I think that the short sentences for rapists & child molesters in this country are absurd, especially as in some states you can go to jail olnger for smoking a joint. -
Country Girl
This is a crime that makes all venues of life recoil in horror. According to the culture where it is represented. In America, it seems that any girl or boy between the ages of 12 or 17 is subject to this horror. In OTHER cultures, girls who are as young as 9 years old are considered adult and can be aken as wives, legally, and it's considered not to be so bad. I think it depends on the culture, really.
This is going to make me seem like an apologist. I agree, if children are raised in the USA, they are DEFINTELY not ready to be wives or husbands. But in other cultures, these girls are raised to be wives from the day they were born, and by 9 or 10, they are ready to assume that role, according to the culture. You say: "Well, that is TOO young" By YOUR standards, at least. In some cultures, as long as they can produce children, they are considered adults. I am not saying that is right, or its fair, but it just IS.
I was raised in the US, but I was raised that in the way that my work helped my family. That was the way it was. You went to work for the family business, and at a very young age. I worked my whole life, until I went and lived with my husband. Again... my husband's business enhanced my own family's business.
I'm just playing Devil's advocate here. By the time I was 10 years old, I knew how to take care of children, how to work in my parents' business, and etc.
I think yes; if the person who committed it knew it was wrong and was of sound mind.
I just wish the WTBS would recognise that the only person who can decide whether to forgive or to let the abuse remain unforgivable is the person who's been abused and noone else. The pointless debate by the elders about whether the sin committed against you' forgivable' or 'unforgivable' causes more stress for the abused.I think it should be a personnal matter between the abused and the way they feel about the abusers actions?
I can't forgive for incidents i've been through. And I could'nt forgive someone who hurt my children.
If the unforgivable sin is being described in Hebrews 10 26, 'For if we practice sin willfully after having received the accurate knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice for sins left...' then anyone who knows that something is wrong is committing it...including the WTBS; with their record of child abuse they can't possibly be approved of by their god and are irredeemable.
Lady Lee
As a victim of several sexual perpetrators I can accept the first time was not premeditated. After that they plan how to gain access to the child and repeat the abuse. Abusing a child repeatedly is not a crime of passion. It is a crime that requires a tremendous amount of thought and planning to gain access and maintain it and prevent the child from talking afterwards. Even while they are doing it that first time they have to be planning what to do if caught or how to keep the child quiet after.
If they had any consciense they would find a way to stop themselves but they don't. Which is probably why they keep doing it. It is really hard to forgive someone who repeatedly makes a child feel less than garbage.
As each of my abusers dies off I feel safer in the world. Sadly there are way too many abusers in the world.
That being said if anyone of of my 12 abusers had gone for therapy - real therapy that actually worked (although I don't think that really exists) and had dealt with not only what they had done but whatever caused them to do it and then come and sincerely apologized and made some kind of effort to undo the damage I might have forgiven - not forgotten and never trusted - but forgiven them what they had done.
As for physical abuse - well that depends on degree. A lot of what I experienced was abusive discipline and was used simply because my caretakers had no idea what else to do. But there was a level of abuse that was just plain cruel. I can't forgive that stuff.
The same goes for emotional abuse.
Then there is spiritual abuse. The religions/orgs that perpetrate this are unfogivable. They claim they follow a Bible that speaks of love and caring for the flock - widows and children. and they ignore the counsel, twisting it to meet their own needs. And they seem to have little thought for those who get hurt while they practice their deceptions.
PS: I'm not referring to those who are caught in the trap and follow the directions but those who make those directions
If a person has sexually abused a child, the 1st question is WHY. Why would anyone do such a sick, detestable thing? There could be a lot of reasons. Perhaps they are simply evil. Maybe, they were abused as children and this affected them to do the same thing in later life. Maybe they are mentally ill. Why do people murder? There are crimes of passion, outright hatred for a person or cause, or at times---mental defect. Some people "forgive" a person that murder their loved ones. Many will never be able to forgive.... I've known of a number of persons that have been abused and they did not feel that their abusers should die. I know this from conversations and their telling me. Yet, it seems that more than a few feel that since abuse is inexcusable, then their sin is never to be forgiven.
As each of my abusers dies off I feel safer in the world. Sadly there are way too many abusers in the world.
That being said if anyone of of my 12 abusers had gone for therapy - real therapy that actually worked (although I don't think that really exists) and had dealt with not only what they had done but whatever caused them to do it and then come and sincerely apologized and made some kind of effort to undo the damage I might have forgiven - not forgotten and never trusted - but forgiven them what they had done.
I agree with that, LL. When my abusers die, I will feel safe and I will feel that the world is a safer place for any children they come in contact with. To date they either deny there was any abuse or that they couldn't help themselves. If they had apologized, tried to make amends, a form of forgiveness (not trust though) is possible. But I'm not holding my breath.