Just heard. About Micheal Jackson!

by ChimChim 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • ChimChim

    Not sure if this was already covered but I wanted to ask anyways.

    I just heard about 20 minutes ago that this man thinks he is innocent because he "Hypnotised" him and when people are hypnotised can't lie and they always tell the truth, and Micheal said that nothing had happend that day, and they asked about something else to but I forget what it was for, something about why did he pay? lol I cant remember.

    But I don't know what to believe any more. I think it's alot of crap, I dont think he was hypnotised But I wasnt there so I wouldnt know!

    Did anyone else here about this?


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    There is NOTHING that can "force" a prevaricator not to lie if he wants to.

    The effect of "hypnotic states" are highly over-dramatized, with most "researchers" rising to the level of Madame Blavatsky.

  • Leolaia
    when people are hypnotised can't lie

    Except they often can and do confabulate.


  • ChimChim


    I read and re-read what you said but I dont understand what you mean... I do a little bit but it still confuses me slightly!


    Grrr LoL I can't spell tonight!

  • DevonMcBride

    Hypnosis can't make someone tell the truth. If it could they would hypnotise Saddam.


  • ChimChim
    Hypnosis can't make someone tell the truth. If it could they would hypnotise Saddam.

    So true. I wasn't sure To beleive it or not because it sounded like alot of crap! But now yeah I know not to believe that because that's true, if it did work they would have used it on alot of people. Like criminals for example.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Sorry, Chim Chim, I aspire to be the JWD version of Dennis Miller.

    Madame Blavatsky was the founder of Theosophy. She was one of the biggest (literally and figuratively) of the parasitic metaphysicians of the 19th century. OK, I won't sugar-coat it - I think she was a fraud.

  • gumby

    A person can only "go under" if they allow it. As was mentioned.....a statement made under the quise of hypnosis is no barometer for the truth.


    * gumby....who feels Micheal was never guilty*

  • Siddhashunyata

    Nathan, by no means am I an apologist for Blavatsky or Annie Besant but it woiuld be worth while to do a search on these two and consider them in light of the times they were living. Understanding life is no easy thing. Some of their ideas were ahead of their time and they suffered dearly for them. No offense intended.

  • ChimChim
    * gumby....who feels Micheal was never guilty*

    I dont think he is guilty either, but to try and make people believe by saying that they hypnotised him is stupid. Makes no sense that they have to use that as an excuse to make beleivers out of people who aren't believers.


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