why the hell can't JWs date w/o having a chapperone or anything of that matter? i have always thought that its stupid and its trying to pry into peoples lives. but i just wanna know why.
Dating and being chapperoned
by dustyb 29 Replies latest jw friends
This is done so that you are not tempted to give in to sexual urges mostly. But it is also used many times to just be in other peoples bussiness. My ex wifes mom never wanted us to be with each other with her not around she was even afraid to go to take a piss lest we might grope each other. So we just did it behind her back.
My JW father was so strict growing up that once I finally got engaged, I was still not allowed to be alone with my fiance. He even went as far as telling us we could not kiss or hold hands. I found it amusing that every once in awhile he would ask if we were kissing, and I would reply with an honest "yes" and he would just say "well, I don't want you doing that" as if he just wanted me to know that if we ever got in trouble, at least he was doing his part. He finally agreeded to let us hold hands by telling me that if we didn't sit so close at the meetings, he would allow it.
My dad was strict, but I still had alot of respect for him...afterall, I was a "daddy's girl"!
It must be totally humiliating being a 25 yr old man/woman and having to have a chaperon.
no kiddin. it doesn't matter how old you are (unless you are a wee lad, then you shouldn't be dating period ) fact of the matter is that we are all individuals that don't need to have someone prying on if we like to "touch" each other. Who gives 2 doggy poo poo's if she feels the urge to lunge and accidentally grab the goods or vice versa ya know.
After my Dad (an avid JW hater, God love 'im) died, my Mum started dating a nice old brother. Mum was 67 and he was 73. They went on a "date" and had to have a chaperone! The chaperone was like 63 or something.
No kidding!!
After my Dad (an avid JW hater, God love 'im) died, my Mum started dating a nice old brother. Mum was 67 and he was 73. They went on a "date" and had to have a chaperone! The chaperone was like 63 or something.
That is just wrong!
I really heard the following at a circuit assembly. (I'm not kidding:)
"If two unmarried couples go out together on a date, there has to be a fifth person along to chaperone."
I guess four's company and five's a crowd.
How'd you like to be the fifth wheel on that little outing?
I do not miss that part of being a JW at all..
although come to think of it.. I never did obey it..
guess that is why I got called into the elders meetings with counseling on sexual misconduct..
I would just tell them to mind they're own business.
If they wanted to DF me for that, then they could have it! I would never let them treat me like a twelve year old.