Comments You Will Not Hear at the 1-18-04 WT Study Review comments will be in black and parentheses ()
WT quotes
will be in red and quotes ""Quotes from other sources
will be in blueScripture Types
: (S) Snippet, (C) Citation, (Q) Quotation"SHOW YOURSELVES THANKFUL"
"Let the peace of the Christ control in your hearts?And show yourselves thankful.?COLOSSIANS 3:15
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.?Colossians 3:15 (NIV) /cgi-bin/bible
Opening Comments
Left out phrase "since as members of one body you were called to peace" which is a reference to the heavenly calling to whom Paul was speaking. The WTS admits that the New Testament applies first and foremost to Christians born again with holy spirit. It is no accident this phrase was left out of not only the title but also the citation below.
Do not be lulled into thinking this article will be one from the early Christian viewpoint. Once again the WTS goes back into the Law to make its point although it says, "True, as Christians, we are not under the Mosaic Law?nevertheless?" then quotes Hebrews 13:15 trying to show that Paul did.
The world at large is portrayed as one full of wickedness. Is that true? Are the majority of people criminals or are they looking out for their fellow humans?
In the 94,600 congregations (proof of God?s blessing according to the WTS) of Jehovah?s Witnesses around the word, we find a thankful spirit.
Each meeting begins and ends with a prayer that includes expressions of thanks to Jehovah (but not Jesus).
We frequently hear "thank you," "you?re welcome," or similar expressions on the lips of young and old as well as new and longtime Witnesses as they join in worship and happy fellowship. (Psalm 133:1)(C ) (Vomit buckets available here)
Sorry to say that this article starts on such a sickening note. I never heard thank you, you?re welcome, please, you doing a great job out of anyone?s mouth at the KH unless the CO was visiting. The following is a self-congratulatory statement. You would think no one outside the KH ever showed love and concern for anyone but themselves.
What a contrast this is to the selfishness that prevails among many ?who do not know Jehovah and who do not obey the good news?! (2 Thessalonians 1:8) We live in a thankless world.Yes, obeying the good news as interpreted by the WTS not the letting the Bible interpret itself.
Based on what does the WTS say THE WORLD is thankless. Did they conduct a survey? Do they quote a survey conducted by someone else? Is the lack of reaction to their door to door selling of books and magazines proof the world is thankless? Where is their scriptural authority to judge the world is this way? Why talk to anyone if the world is so thankless?
And little wonder when we consider who is the god of this world?Satan the Devil, the greatest exponent of self-centeredness, whose pride and rebellious spirit permeate human society!?John 8:44, 2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 John 5:19. (C) Translation: Only a small fraction, 6 million, of the over 6 billion people on earth are going to survive Armageddon. Surrounded as we are by Satan?s world, we need to exercise care not to be corrupted by its attitudes. w01 2/15 p. 19 Each day, we rub shoulders with men, women, and young people who are anything but meek. To them, being mild-tempered is a flaw. Submissiveness is considered a serious weakness. They are demanding, selfish, and opinionated, believing that their personal "rights" and preferences must be accommodated at all costs. How sad it would be if some of those attitudes were to rub off on us! This is the time to "seek meekness." How? By being submissive toNote the clues from past WTS publications:
w88 7/1 p. 9 "Show Yourselves Thankful"So, giving a tenth to the priests at Jehovah?s sanctuary was a practical expression of thankfulness to Jehovah himself. pp. 11-12 In many lands, new Kingdom Halls are being built, and existing halls are being enlarged because of overcrowding. New Assembly Halls are being constructed, and extensions are being added to Bethel Homes and factories. What a practical way to demonstrate thankfulness to Jehovah?our contributing labor or finances to care for these building projects! Reasons for Being Thankful It is to Jehovah God, our Creator and Lifegiver, that we owe our gratitude, especially as we consider some of the bounteous gifts he has showered upon us. (James 1:17)So where is Jesus? Should we not be thankful to him? Is he not the one who laid down his life for humankind?
w00 3/1 p. 22 Keeping Life Simple to Serve Jehovah. It discussed Luke 17:11-19, where the Bible says that only one of ten cleansed lepers humbly thanked Jesus for the miraculous healing. That touched my heart. I asked myself, ?How appreciative am I??"Whatever it is that you do in word or in work, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through him." (Colossians 3:17)Thanks to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Romans 7:25)Daily, we thank Jehovah that we are alive. (Psalm 36:9)
But through Jesus? name only. Don?t take Jesus out of the equation.
Around us, we observe abundant evidence of Jehovah?s handiwork (that Jesus helped create?Proverbs 8:27-30), such as the sun, moon and stars. Our planet?s rich storehouse of life-sustaining minerals, the atmosphere?s finely balanced mixture of vital gases, and the intricate cycles in nature all testify to the debt we owe our loving heavenly Father (and Jesus our Eternal Father?Isaiah 9:6). "Many things you yourself have done, O Jehovah my God," sang King David, "even your wonderful works and your thoughts toward us; there is none to be compared to you. Were I inclined to tell and speak of them, they have become more numerous than I can recount."?Psalm 40:5.Though far removed from a physical paradise, Jehovah?s servants (this buzzword is showing up more often emphasizing the need to be the WTS? servant, doing what they say, Christ and being a Christian is even less in the picture) today relish living in a spiritual paradise (term first used in 1958 by Knorr). In our Kingdom Halls and at our conventions and assemblies, we experience the fruitage of God?s spirit at work in our fellow believers (incest, divorce, wife beatings, child beatings, pedophiles, cheats and frauds). Indeed, when preaching to people who have little or no religious background, some Witnesses refer to what Paul described in his letter to the Galatians. They first draw attention to the "works of the flesh" and ask their listeners what they have observed. (Galatians 5:19-23) (C)How about that! I wonder what the Mormons, Baptists, Methodists, Lutherans, Buddhists, etc., would say to being characterized as "people who have little or no religious background"?
Most readily agree that these characterize human society today.Most, most!!!! And how do they arrive at that conclusion. From some survey they have taken? How many people did they survey, from what demographics?
VOMIT ALERT!!!! (just keep the bucket close by) When shown the description of the fruitage of God?s spirit and upon being invited to the local Kingdom Hall, to see evidence of this for themselves, MANY QUICKLY acknowledge: "God is really among you." (1 Corinthians 14:25)(S)Yes, until they get baptized, then the reality of the lovelessness will sink in and it will be too late. They can leave but they can?t check out.
And this is not limited to the local Kingdom Hall. Travel where you may, when you meet ANY of the more than six million Witnesses of Jehovah, you find the same happy, joyous spirit.
So you lurkers at the KH, better be sure you put on your happy face mask when at the KH and in field service or you will not be counted among the six million.
Truly, this upbuilding association is reason for giving thanks to Jehovah, the one who supplies his spirit to make it possible.?Zephaniah 3:9; Ephesians 3:20,21 (C).The greatest gift, the most perfect present that Jehovah has bestowed, is that of his Son, Jesus, by means of whom the ransom sacrifice was provided. (Didn?t Jesus play a part in the giving of that present?) "If this is how God loved us," wrote the apostle John, "then we are ourselves under obligation to love one another." (1 John 4:11) Yes, we show ourselves thankful for the ransom not only by expressing love and gratitude to Jehovah (by expressing love and gratitude to Jesus???) but also by living our lives in a way that manifests love for others.?Matthew 22:37-39.We can learn more about showing gratitude by considering the way Jehovah dealt with?..The early Christians???? No,
Israel of old.Yes, once again the WTS is going to use the Old Testament, the Law code to teach JWs how to act like Christians.
By means of the Law, which he gave to the nation through Moses, (not to Christians), Jehovah taught the people many lessons (lessons for Israelites or for Christians?). Through "the framework of the knowledge and of the truth in the Law," we can learn much that will help us to follow Paul?s counsel: "Show yourselves thankful."?Romans 2:20; Colossians 3:15.Three Lessons From the Mosaic LawIn the Mosaic Law, Jehovah provided three ways by which the Israelites could show their genuine appreciation for his goodness.First, there was the tithe. A tenth of the land?s produce, together with a "tenth part of the herd and flock," was to become "something holy to Jehovah." (Leviticus 27:30-32)Can you see where this is going? While tithing is not a Christian obligation, the WTS will be it a lesson for Christians. Why do you think they are going down this road?
(under growth/expansion)
September 1, 2003 |
Jehovah's Witnesses reorganize printing operationsThe existing printery at Wallkill, New York, is being renovated and new equipment has been purchased that is slated for installation in the spring of 2004. Furthermore, the printing, binding, and shipping operations in Brooklyn will be moved to Wallkill.
Since 1927, the printery in Brooklyn has produced over one billion books, including Bibles. There is, however, a need to update older printing and binding equipment, some of which is more than 40 years old. The older equipment requires greater maintenance and more manpower to operate. Since the existing facilities in Brooklyn can't accommodate the 133-foot-long presses, it was determined that current printery operations in Wallkill be expanded to make way for the newer, better equipment.When the Israelites obeyed, Jehovah blessed them abundantly. (So if you don?t give, you don?t want God to bless the WTS). "Bring all the tenth parts into the storehouse, that there may come to be food in my house; and test me out, please, in this respect,? Jehovah of armies has said, ?whether I shall not open to you people the floodgates of the heavens and actually empty out upon you a blessing until there is no more want.?"?Malachi 3:10. (Q)
Some might recognize this scripture as the one used by Jim and Tammy Bakker/PTL to encourage members to send them money. Send us money and God will bless you materially, they cried.
Second, in addition to the tithing requirement, Jehovah arranged for the Israelites to make voluntary contributions.He instructed Moses to tell the Israelites: "On your coming into the land where I am bringing you, it must also occur that when you eat any of the bread of the land, you should make a contribution to Jehovah." Some of the firstfruits of their "coarse meal as ring-shaped cakes" were to be presented as "a contribution to Jehovah" throughout their generations.Note that no specific amount of these firstfruits was required.
(Numbers 15:18-21) But when the Israelites offered a contribution in thanksgiving, they were assured a blessing from Jehovah. A similar arrangement is seen in connection with the temple in Ezekiel?s vision. We read: "The first of all the first ripe fruits of everything and every contribution of everything out of all your contributions?to the priests it will come to belong; and the firstfruits of your coarse meals you should give to the priest, in order to cause a blessing to rest upon your house.?Ezekiel 44:30 (Q)Third, Jehovah arranged for the practice of gleaning."When you people reap the harvest of your land," God instructed, "you must no reap the edge of your field completely and the gleaning of your harvest you must not pick up. Also, you must not gather the leftovers of your vineyard, and you must not pick up the scattered grapes of your vineyard. For the afflicted one and the alien resident you should leave them. I am Jehovah your God." (Leviticus 19:9,10)(Q) Once again, no specific amount was required.It was up to each Israelite to decide how much to leave for the needy. Wise King Solomon (who died an apostate and at one time the WTS said he would not be resurrected) aptly explained: "He that is showing favor to the lowly one is lending to Jehovah, and his treatment He will repay to him." (Proverbs 19:17)Yes the elders (see last week?s review) will help these ones fill out the welfare forms and turn them into the government.
Thus Jehovah taught compassion and consideration for disadvantaged ones.Jehovah blessed the Israelites when they obediently brought in the tithes, gave voluntary contributions and made provision for the poor. Translation: Today?s JWs will not be blessed by God unless they start donating more money to the worldwide work. And what will happen to JWs that don?t donate? But when the people of Israel failed to show themselves thankful, they lost Jehovah?s favor. This lead to disaster and eventually to exile. (2 Chronicles 36:17-21)(C) What, then, are the lessons for us? Our Expressions of Thankfulness The principal way we can render praise to Jehovah (and Jesus?) and express our thankfulness likewise involves an "offering."
Next a WTS disclaimer which translated means, we are not under Law but the principles of the Law apply.
True, as Christians, we are not under the Mosaic Law, obligated to offer sacrifices of animals or crops. (Colossians 2:14)(C) Colossians 2:14 (NIV)having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross. NEVERTHELESS,The apostle Paul urged the Hebrew Christians: "Let us always offer to God a sacrifice of praise, that is, the fruit of lips which make public declaration to his name." (Hebrews 13:15)(Q) By using our abilities and resources (translation: money) to offer a sacrifice of praise to Jehovah, whether in the public ministry or in "the congregated throngs" of fellow Christians, we can express heartfelt thanks to our loving heavenly Father, Jehovah God. (Psalm 26:12) In doing so, what can we learn from the ways in which the Israelites (not Christians?) were to express their thankfulness to Jehovah (not Jesus too?)?First of all, as we have seen, the tithing arrangement was not optional; each Israelite had an obligation in this regard. As Christians, we have the responsibility of participating in the ministry and attending Christian meetings. These activities are not optional.In his great prophecy regarding the time of the end, Jesus pointedly stated: "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20)(Q,C These are the 2 most used scriptures on the WT-CD)
Regarding Christian meetings, the apostle Paul was inspired to write: "Let us consider one another to incite to love and fine works, not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together, as some have the custom, but encouraging one another, and all the more so as you behold the day drawing near." (Hebrews 10:24,25)
Do you see anywhere in this Scripture where Christians were commanded to meet 3 times weekly for 5 meetings?
We show our thankfulness to Jehovah when we joyfully accept our responsibility to preach and to teach as well as to associate with our brothers (and sisters) regularly at the congregation meetings, viewing such as a privilege and an honor.Notice that there was a predetermined amount in tithing, 1/10 of all they had yet the WTS skips over that point in their application. The unwritten rule to be considered for an MS or elder is to be meeting the national average (around 10 hours/month). What predetermined amount for hours or number of meetings to attend can you find scriptural support for?
In addition, we can profit from considering the other two provisions by which the Israelites could show their appreciation?voluntary contributions and gleaning. In contrast to tithing, which was a requirement with a clearly defined commitment (something that could be measured, counted, reported on a time slip), voluntary contributions and the gleaning arrangement did not require a fixed amount. Rather, they allowed for a dept of appreciation a servant of Jehovah had in his(her) heart to prompt him(her) to act.In a comparable way, although we appreciate that participation in the ministry and attendance at Christian meetings are a fundamental responsibility of every servant of Jehovah (buzzword leaving Christ and JW out of the picture), do we share in them wholeheartedly and with a willing spirit.Do we view them as an opportunity to express our heartfelt appreciation for all that Jehovah has done for us?
Do we share liberally in these activities, to the extent our individual circumstances permit (as judged by others in the congregation?)?
Or do we view all of this only as an obligation that we must discharge? (Bingo for 99.9% of JWs who want to ensure theirs and their family?s personal salvation and live forever on a paradise earth)?
These, of course, are questions that we must answer personally. (Yes, brother, we see here that you aren?t getting in the national average in hours. If they can do it? Look here how the brothers and sisters were able to get in 20 hours a month in a war-torn country.)The apostle Paul put it this way: "Let each one prove what his work is, and then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison, with other person.?Galatians 6:4.
But now let us give experiences how sisters with opposing, unbelieving husbands and six children have been able to regular pioneer for the last 20 years. Or the sister who was able to attend all the meetings although having to swim through crocodile infested waters.
Jehovah God well knows our circumstances. He is aware of our limitations. He values the sacrifices, great or small, that his servants offer willingly. He does not expect that we will all give the same amount, nor can we do so.I know of a sister, struck down early in life with an invisible, incapacitating disease. She was in constant pain, and nothing the doctors did helped. Her family relied on her income and she did not yet qualify for disability. Her condition meant she missed many meetings and could no longer do anything other than telephone witnessing and only for ½ hour at a time. Her employer made adjustments to accommodate her at work and understood that she would not be at work as regularly as before. What happened at the KH? The elders kept pestering her, then hounding her about going to the meetings. It didn?t matter than she listened in on the telephone or to recorded tapes when she had to go to bed early due to the pain. Did the elders know her circumstances, were they aware of her limitations, did the value her sacrifice, great or small, NO. Instead they compared her with other ill JWs saying she wasn?t doing as much as these were. Finally, she was so discouraged that she gave up listening to the meetings and no longer called people on the phone to tell them about the coming kingdom.
When discussing material giving, the apostle Paul told the Corinthian Christians: "If the readiness is there first, it is especially acceptable according t what a person has, not according to what a person does not have." (2 Corinthians 8:12)(Q) This principle applies equally well to our service to God.What makes our service acceptable to Jehovah is determined, not by the amount that we do, but by the way we do it?joyfully and wholeheartedly.?Psalm 100:1-5; Colossians 3:23 (C ). NEVERTHELESSDevelop and Maintain the Pioneer Spirit A rewarding way to show our thankfulness to Jehovah (and Jesus)(works = salvation) is to enter the full-time ministry. Motivated by love of Jehovah (and Jesus) and gratitude for his undeserved kindness (grace), many (less than 5% in the US) dedicated servants (buzzword) have made great changes (sold homes, emptied their retirement accounts because the end is near) in their lives to allow for more time to serve Jehovah (impress others with their spirituality so they will qualify for some "privilege"). Some are able to serve as regular pioneers, spending an average of 70 hours (down from 100 hours 20 years ago) every month preaching the good news and teaching people the truth (getting their time in). Others, who may be limited by various circumstances (judged by the elders and others to be valid) from time to time arrange to spend 50 hours a month preaching as auxiliary pioneers (timed for the circuit overseer?s visit).
What of the many servants of Jehovah (buzzword) who can serve neither as regular nor as auxiliary pioneers? They can show thankfulness by developing and maintaining a pioneer spirit.How?By encouraging those who can pioneer (by judging people?s circumstances and limitations), by instilling in their children the desire to pursue a career in full-time service (push those boys to go to Bethel, push those girls to regular pioneer so they can catch some Bethel brother who will only marry a regular pioneer, no university education for them, but the WTS will pay Bethelites to go to college to become lawyers).
By sharing diligently in preaching according to their circumstances (as determined by the elders and others in the congregation).
Did anyone ever have an elder that stood at the back door and handed auxiliary pioneer slips to people as they left the KH?
What we give in our ministry depends much on the depth of appreciation in our hearts for what Jehovah has done, is doing, and will yet do for us. Translation: Your love for God can be measured by what is on your publisher card.Demonstrating Thankfulness With Our "Valuable Things" "Honor Jehovah with your valuable things," notes Proverbs 3:9, "and with the firstfruits of all of your produce." Servants of Jehovah (buzzword) no longer need to tithe.
Really, then what was all that nonsense back earlier about attending meetings and participation in the field ministry being the same as "tithing" and required of "servants of Jehovah"?
Rather, Paul wrote to the Corinthian congregation: "Let each one do just as he has resolved in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)(how often have we heard that scripture) Making voluntary contributions to support the worldwide Kingdom-preaching work also demonstrates our thankfulness.Heartfelt appreciation motivates us to do this regularly, possibly setting aside something on a weekly basis, as did the early Christians.?1 Corinthians 16:1,2. Translation: JW hearts are not appreciative enough and the donations to the WTS are drying up. They have these big building projects coming up that selling the Furman Building won?t cover. There are too many thankless JWs in the congregations. It is not the amount we contribute that reflects our gratitude to Jehovah.
Then why do those who give much monetarily to the congregation (not anonymously because amounts over $250 require a letter from the elder body) or those who give cash to the COs. Simony lives in the WTS.
Rather, it is the spirit in which we give. This was what Jesus observed when watching people dropping their gifts into the treasury chests at the temple. When Jesus saw a needy widow drop in "two small coins of very little value," he said: "I tell you truthfully, this widow, although poor, dropped in more than they all did. For all these dropped in gifts out of their surplus, but this woman out of her want dropped in all the means of living she had."?Luke 21:1-4 (S) Translation: Give out of your need. Can?t buy food today, give to the WTS. Can?t afford to go to the doctor, then give to the WTS and realize that the new system is near and all your illnesses will soon be gone. Need to get the car fixed so you can get to the meetings. Let it rust, and depend on those at the KH to give you rides. May this review of how we can show ourselves thankful prompt us to reexamine the ways by which we show our gratitude (because the elders and others at the congregation will be and you need to come up with some excuses they will buy into). Can we perhaps increase (DO MORE) our sacrifice of praise to Jehovah (Jesus?) as well as our support of the worldwide work (buzz phrase) in a material way? (begging again for money, aren?t the hearts of the rank and file already motivated to maximum giving?)To the extent that we do so, we can be assured that our generous loving Father Jehovah (and our Eternal Father Jesus), will be well-pleased we show ourselves thankful (and shower blessings on us?no donations?.no blessings?just like the Israelites) Concluding Comments
Now wasn?t that special!
Once again, the WTS uses the OT to beat the publishers over the head that they aren?t doing enough.
Doublespeak in saying JWs don?t live by the Law but they can learn from the Law in how to tithe in the congregation and what "voluntary" really means at the KH.
Tithing = mandatory giving = meeting attendance/field ministry
Tithing = mandatory amounts (1/10) = here the WTS analogy falls flat.
Blondie (with a full bucket)
Now that I get the magazines, let?s consider the picturesPage 15Kingdom Hall scene, staged, how do we know?
White sister with 2 young daughters with long blonde hair in frilly dresses are talking to a seated, disabled (cane) older black sister; one girl is looking at the camera not the sister
White brother with young, long blond haired daughter talking to a black brother, a white brother. I have been a JW for a long time and rarely seen an elder/ms/brother have his daughter tag along while he converses with other brothers.
A young boy (in a sweater not a suit jacket) and another young long hair blonde girl talking to an older brother (no parent in sight)
The gift of Jesus? ransom (Jesus on a stake) = gift of those loving people at the KH (vomit)
Page 18 (What sacrifices can we make?)An ill sister in a hospital bed manages to witness with Bible in one hand and magazine in another to a young medical technician. No one holds their Bible like that (it is too heavy for the wrist).
A young girl puts a wad of bills into the contribution box. Long and the appropriate frilly dress. I?m sure her parents gave her that money to teach her early to give to the WTS generously.
A young teenage boy gives a comment at the WT study. Sitting next to mum.
They left out visiting the ill, taking them to the doctor, sitting for the sister who has been out of the house since her husband became ill, (add your own)