On Reddit, a PIMO elder talked about the CO special meeting with the CO about all what’s important, TIGHT PANTS! Omg we have a pandemic, some have lost their jobs, people are depressed, but let’s stop the brothers from wearing TIGHT PANTS. Also, metro style haircuts. Just what is a metro style haircut? If my mom only knew. SMH. Btw, who sees pants on Zoom?
I just LMAO....
by Biahi 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
cha ching
Don't forget, the C.O. also mentioned "brightly colored socks" (how unhumble) This seems to be the best thing WT could do to wake people up. I have read of sooo many saying "this is too much"
but let’s stop the brothers from wearing TIGHT PANTS.
What? No council on loose pants? Some of use like to go loose.
Beth Sarim
We are in the middle of a debilitating pandemic & they have to keep harping about stupid shit like tight pants again.
have read of sooo many saying "this is too much"
It is too much.
Eff them!!!!! With all the horror in the world.... this is what they're worried about???
In the last few years, I saw video of cats crammed in cages in an Asian market. They are beaten to the point that they are barely conscious and then boiled alive because some people think doing it that way makes them taste better. I saw video (also in Asia) of raccoons (or animals that look like raccoons) being beaten with bamboo canes until they stagger and then being hung upside down by their feet and skinned alive.
I have a difficult time going through life knowing such goes on, and relative to such as that, I don't give a shit what kind of pants people wear or how they cut their hair. If JWs truly represent the god of the Bible and this is how he thinks, then I want no part of worshipping him. This would be a textbook case on his part of straining gnats (worrying about how people dress), while at the same time, swallowing camels (allowing horrific suffering).
NET Bible
A righteous person cares for the life of his animal, but even the most compassionate acts of the wicked are cruel. Proverbs 12:10locally I have seen plenty of brothers in tight pants and experimental haircuts even on the platform giving counsel public talks etc, and quite a few elders with copious facial hair.
My take on the kind of emotional blackmail and promises of violence meted out to non-compliant babtised witnesses is that those who are responsible for producing of these videos and publications are self-righteous power hungry hypocrites at worst, or just plain mentally sick at best.
Either way they need psychiatric help, (possibly putting away where they can do no harm)
yes, there are many more far important issues they could be attending to.
Pandemic or not, we are in the middle of a global economic reset in its name. We are not that far from worldwide mandatory coronavirus shots, regardless of whether the virus itself is real or not, which will permanently ruin your DNA while setting yourself up to be property of the big drug companies (they will use this to get copyright claims on the mRNA they inject). We have had an election stolen--and regardless of whether you like or hate Trump or Biden, they are getting away with high treason. Which should be punishable with the death penalty.
Additionally, many are facing serious money issues related to the reaction to this "pandemic". Whether it is real, fake, or about as serious as a cold, this reaction is destroying businesses. Evictions are coming, and many small landlords that had compassion for tenants will be foreclosed on, leaving big holding companies that evict first and ask questions later. We are going to have Walmart alone to shop--all your favorite small or medium sized stores and local or regional businesses will be shut down. Everything will be made in China, and I do mean everything. You wish to eat out? McDonalds is the only place left open.
Beyond this, I am expecting soon into Biden's (or Komodo Dragon Harris's) term to have the whole Internet ruined or shut down. Forums that allow the slightest degree of free speech will all be shut down or seized. You think it is bad now on YouTube, Facebook, or Twitter? Wait until Komodo Dragon Harris takes control. You will be lucky to be able to upload anything at all--that thing will simply turn it into a giant cable system where all content comes from one (yup, one--not six, one) company. And, eventually Noahide Law will take full effect--with your mandatory coronavirus shot (along with nanochips that go with it), there will be no escaping it.
And they are talking about stupid things like petty dress code issues.
neat blue dog
quite a few elders with copious facial hair
Where do you live???
I remember rolling my eyes at the caution against wearing your baseball cap backwards. Even as a hard core JW at the time I couldn't figure that one out. Not wearing caps with logos would have made more sense.