Ok, I am feeling sorry for myself so bear with me. Last weekend my girlfriend and I were going to finally have a "girl's night out." Well, my husband went and invited himself along. Don't get me wrong, we had a nice time but still...... So tonight, he asks me to drive him over to pick up his friend and take them and drop them off at the bar (hecannot drive due to some issues right now). I said, well am I coming with ya'll? He said no I want a night out to myself! SELFISH BASTARD! I wanted one last week but didn't get it! I took them cause I knew if I didn't he would be pissy towards me all night but I am ticked. I am a only 37, relatively nice looking and I feel like all I am for is to cook, clean, launder and help with bills! I cannot even say I am here for sex cause he hasn't been interested in that for quite awhile for some reason. I don't know if he is having an affair, having sexual problems or what. He says he's just tired. Whatever..... Anyways, I'm sorry for being a whiny pathetic baby when I am sure there are some with a heck of alot worse problems but as I said, I am feeling sorry for myself. My friends are all at work so I am stuck here at home by myself! WAAA!
Ticked off and lonely ( a rant)
by copsec 14 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry about the problems you are having. But i know that it helps to vent. You can count on your friends here to listen to you and give you some responses and ya feel a little better. Best wishes to you and i hope you get things straightened out with yer fella.
I would have been pissed under those circumstances too..
I'm not the type to 'need' a night away.. but if a guy invited himself along with me and my friend one week and then disallowed me the same pleasure.. yeah.. I'd be mad.
Exactly Sassy. I didn't really "NEED" the night alone last week but was kinda looking forward to it. But when he invited himself it was no big deal and we did have a great time. But to turn around and do that to me tonight just rubbed me the wrong way. Especially since I had to drive them!
Hmmmm, might be something else behind that. Why is he not interested in sex right now? Could it be age or job that's stressing him out? He might be afraid that if he's not satisfying you, you might be looking elsewhere, which might account for why he went along with you on a girls' night out. Just a thought . . .
I dunno what the deal is. He swears he is not seeing someone else. He says he is just tired. Well heck, I am tired too but still have needs! I finally just quit asking for it. Figure when it wants it he'll let me know. And as for me looking elsewhere, well I could, but I don't. He is my best friend. I just wish that I still gave him the "spark" he needs!
So sorry you are having these hurtful feelings of despair. Trying to "second guess" the attitudes and behavior of even your mate will just confuse you even more.
Time for a heart to heart talk in open honesty. If he has a problem doing that, then get him to go to counseling with you. Sounds like you want things to work but feel alone in the process.
I wish you the best!
Hey copsec
Sorry about what you are going through. Talk to him about it, find out what is really going on. My x and I stopped talking a long time before we broke up. Its not worth going down that track if you can avoid it, talk and find out the real reasons before you start speculating about affairs and such. Men loose interest in sex for so many different reasons, could be related to depression or some other medical condition, image problems and stuff. Hey I am 38 at the moment soon to be 39 (sigh) wonder if its the age of when you start looking around the world and comparing to what you have or what you should have. You know things not turning out how you thought and so on......
So tonight, he asks me to drive him over to pick up his friend and take them and drop them off at the bar (hecannot drive due to some issues right now).
I cannot even say I am here for sex cause he hasn't been interested in that for quite awhile for some reason. I don't know if he is having an affair, having sexual problems or what.
Is it time to ask him if he could try drinking less?
Blow me off if I'm out of line, but not being allowed to drive on the pavement and unable to drive between the sheets are classic middle-age male alcohol abuse indicators.
I hope I'm wrong and he has something like a technical problem with his vehicle insurance company and is masturbating to too much internet porn.
Unable to give you real advise.
But, he is still your best friend ?
Else, what are you going to do about him - don't think you will go on the way it is now.
(was there after 4 years marriage and since divorced)