10 hours a month service ?I need help to trace ..

by mouthy 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mouthy

    I have a man visiting me on a regular basis to find out how to help his wife get free from the WT.... They have been married 21 years & he is going through so much... Loves her very much but she deny's any thing he brings up. She say the WT NEVER suggest 10 hours a month of sevice . I cant find anything in their print about this. if anyone has it please let me know ... you have my pm. or paste it here . She tells him she will leave him if he comes to me. The Apostate. Never met me at all.He is 47 -so dont think there is any thing going on!!!! He just needs help his two sons are involved also.

  • freelife

    I can not remember seeing anything in writing about a 10 hour requirement. But i do know that in order to have any privlidges in the cong you have to be exemplery in you service times that goes for Quick builds mic privs or anything else with responsibilities in the borg.


  • Euphemism
    w65 9/1 524 For you to let God?s kingdom come first in your life you must also buy out time for the Christian ministry. Are you devoting all the time you could for incidental, street, and house-to-house preaching of the everlasting good news, in making return visits and in conducting Bible studies in the homes of interested people? Surely the suggested minimum goal for this, twenty minutes a day, two and a half hours a week or ten hours a month, is a reasonable one for a mature Christian.

    530 About 96 percent of the some one million who share in preaching are such part-time ministers or congregational publishers, and have as a suggested preaching goal ten hours a month.
    w64 4/15 254 Jehovah?s witnesses who have family responsibilities try to spend at least ten hours each month speaking with others about God?s kingdom
    w63 1/1 23 They cannot arrange their time to spend 100 or 150 hours a month in the ministry, but they do strive to spend a minimum of ten hours each month in the preaching activity being carried on in all parts of the earth
    w63 9/1 529 As a dedicated Christian you strive to spend at least ten hours every month in ministerial activity.

    There are other mentions of the ten-hour goal, but those are the ones that are most explicit about it.

    After the mid-60's, the ten-hour "goal" becomes an "average" instead.

  • mouthy

    Thanks freelife. Maybe some one else has seen it Thanks for your response .I usually end all threads I was afraid I would this one.They think "Oh its the Granny on board" they "aint interested in Grannies!!!! LOL

  • mouthy

    Oh you were post ing the sam time as me Euph!!!!!! Thanks a MILLION!!!!! (((Hugs))) That is so good of you. Do I ever love you.You bet your bootie I do (((((HUG))))

  • freelife

    Hey I try to help out if i can. Oh and by the way i could use a good Granny. I don't have one. All of the posters here are my family. Want a new grandson?


  • mouthy

    Please !!!! It is an honour to have Clint for a Grandson!!!I thought you were a she!!!!lol I get a bit bossy at times Clint.... Can you take some "nagging" ??? O.K. here is a GRANNY (((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))

  • blondie

    Hi mouthy, I see young Euph has some nice quotes. Here is a ragged group I had, some may duplicate his. I remember the board they had at the front of the hall with the congregation averages month by month. Each congregation would compare themselves and it could get quite competitive. The quota fell b the wayside in the early 70's and the quota boards were put away.


    km 2/73 pp. 1-6 Branch Letter ***

    Some have said: ?But we have no quotas now.? Though the hour requirements for the various branches of pioneer service have not changed, it is true that congregation publishers have no set goal of, say, ten hours per month. Yet the question might be asked: Is this a valid reason for decreasing the amount of time spent in doing the will of Jehovah God in the field service? Really, in past years we were not going in the field service simply to meet a goal of hours, were we? We were interested in preaching the good news of God?s kingdom, to magnify Jehovah?s name and to give others the opportunity to hear. And we still are. Now that we do not all have a set goal of hours we are not to conclude that our field ministry is any less important. Our message is urgent. This is something to think about, don?t you agree? Jehovah?s requirement that our service be whole-souled has not changed.


    km 2/71 pp. 3-4 A Letter from the Pioneers ***

    First of all, before you can enroll as a regular pioneer you must have been baptized for at least six months, and during the past six months you must have been a regular publisher reporting at least ten hours and six back-calls on the average each month. You must currently be conducting at least one home Bible study. It is obvious, too, that your conduct must recommend you as a fine Christian in the community.


    km 2/71 pp. 3-4 A Letter from the Pioneers ***

    The "Lamp" book (pp. 194-200), of course, outlines the basic requirements that must be met by regular and vacation pioneers. But for the benefit of some of you new ones who have only recently started associating with us, let?s review briefly some of these points. First of all, before you can enroll as a regular pioneer you must have been baptized for at least six months, and during the past six months you must have been a regular publisher reporting at least ten hours and six back-calls on the average each month. You must currently be conducting at least one home Bible study. It is obvious, too, that your conduct must recommend you as a fine Christian in the community.


    w62 1/1 p. 20 Be Imitators of Christ and Show Your Courage ***

    ? Do you devote ten hours a month to this work of talking, or just two and a half hours a week, only twenty minutes a day?

    *** w62 3/1 p. 157 Prophesying with God?s Loyal Organization ***

    Loyalty to God?s organization requires that we prophesy all we can, as effectively as possible and where we can do the most good. We may not hold back in any of these respects. We must take the quality of our prophesying seriously, ever seeking to become more able ministers. Nor may we content ourselves with but one hour a month if we can devote ten hours to prophesying. Ten hours a month is only one hour every three days, and surely we can find that much time for prophesying. And if we can do more, loyalty requires that we do more, even going to places where there is a greater need for witnesses if we are able to do so.

    *** w61 6/15 p. 373 Progressing Toward Maturity ***

    Do you spend at least ten hours each month preaching and teaching the Bible truth to others? Can you imagine Paul being contented with less than ten hours a month even when he found it necessary to work full time making tents? What do you suppose he was doing on weekends, evenings? Studying God?s Word, doing God?s work, or attending a contest between the gladiators in the local coliseum, saying he had no time for the ministry??Acts 18:3, 4.

    *** w61 1/1 p. 24 Apply Your Hearts ***

    While the congregation publisher devotes approximately ten hours, or a little more on the average, in actual house-to-house work and in conducting Bible studies in the homes of the people, these pioneers devote 100 hours or thereabouts, and the special pioneers spend around 150 hours in preaching from house to house and studying the Bible in the homes of the people.

    *** w65 9/1 p. 530 Jehovah Blesses the Putting of His Kingdom First ***

    However, whatever the reason, about 96 percent of the some one million who share in preaching are such part-time ministers or congregational publishers, and have as a suggested preaching goal ten hours a month.

    *** w65 9/1 p. 524 What Comes First in Your Life? ***

    For you to let God?s kingdom come first in your life you must also buy out time for the Christian ministry. Are you devoting all the time you could for incidental, street, and house-to-house preaching of the everlasting good news, in making return visits and in conducting Bible studies in the homes of interested people? Surely the suggested minimum goal for this, twenty minutes a day, two and a half hours a week or ten hours a month, is a reasonable one for a mature Christian. Jehovah?s witnesses try to devote at least ten hours a month to their field ministry. Many of the persons they visit think that this is too much time because, in some countries, the visits seem to them to be too often.

    *** w63 1/1 p. 23 ?Fight a Fine Fight for the Faith? ***

    Then there are those Christians who have secular occupations and families to care for. They may be carpenters, farmers, office workers or factory workers. They cannot arrange their time to spend 100 or 150 hours a month in the ministry, but they do strive to spend a minimum of ten hours each month in the preaching activity being carried on in all parts of the earth.

    *** w51 1/1 pp. 14-15 Measuring the Visible Part of the Restored City ***

    Every company will continue to strive for the quota of a 10 per cent increase as it has in previous years, but it should not stop at that. Why not, in addition, have every company, by the Lord?s grace, strive for at least a 34 per cent increase on its peak number of publishers? In other words, let every company take the peak of publishers that it had during last year and add 34 per cent to that and make that your quota for your peak to be reached during your 1951 service year

    *** w55 12/1 p. 733 Part 1: The "Triumphant Kingdom" Assemblies of 1955 ***

    When a congregation meets its quota of increasing its publishers ten per cent in number, there is no need to raise the quota, with a possibility of not attaining to that number of publishers and thus depriving the successful congregation of its elation of reaching a quota and even exceeding it. The real need is to train the ten per cent increase in the number of publishers to become capable dispensers of God?s Word.

    *** w61 6/1 p. 328 Your Time or Your Money? ***

    Each congregation has its hour quota and each Witness strives to meet or exceed it. The average minister in a congregation spends some ten hours monthly in such evangelizing. They believe in "buying out the opportune time" for themselves.?Eph. 5:16.

  • mouthy

    Thank you Blondie (((HUG)))I have sent them to him. You kids are really on the ball. I knew I could count on you....I think I am burning out... Cant remember all this stuff now.... Am looking so forward to our meeting!!!!! Safe trip( if you do decide to try it) Take care & thanks again....

  • fairy

    I remember when they read the report things out they would say about the average and if we were doing under that then we should try and at least do that ..........some had trouble putting in 2 hrs a month

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