OMG! Bikerchic are you ok?!?!

by joannadandy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    Kate, that pic is a downsize, eh?

    OMG Craig TMI

  • Mac
    Mac've gone too far!! Little Oscar is a relative of mine (yes, Im serious)........and you've just made a mockery of all things true and good that the Wienermobile stands could you? We must have our Heroes!

    mac, of the wiener whistling into the wind class (please forward my belongings)

    *no lime for you!*

  • LittleToe


  • Cygnus

    Joanna gave me the same "my phone is going dead" routine last night..............

  • obiwan
    Katie are you ok?!

    With your new hubby Craig coming out of the closet, I am really worried about you! This must be really hard to take in right now.

    Onacruse said:

    "I'm homosexual." OMG "I think I might be homosexual." OMG "I had sex before I was married." OMG "I masturbate." OMG "I like to watch." OMG "I have fantasies." OMG "I like to view pornography." OMG

    WHAT A BOMBSHELL! Who knew you married such a freak! That's what you get with that internet dating!

    If you need any help in your time of need, you can just give me and Eyegirl a call anytime! We'll hijack the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile and come pick you up and head for destinations unknown...where the men are men, and the women are women! But mostly the sheep are just scared.

    It's ALWAYS the quiet ones you have to watch out for. Poor Katie.

  • Aztec
    But mostly the sheep are just scared.

    Kate, I'm sure you'll understand. You are a mature adult who can take care of yourself. I'm worried about the poor sheep!!! Run sheep run!


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Run sheep run!

    I see 'em runnin', Azzie 'n Katie!!!

    Frannie B

  • Surreptitious

    That just put me to sleep.

  • joannadandy
    Joanna gave me the same "my phone is going dead" routine last night..............

    Dude that was so NOT a line!! We just made a lot of calls last night--it's what we do! Anyone wanna be on the drunken phone call list? We'll reach out and touch you. You can feel like you've been touched, in all the naughty spots, but especially touched in the head for giving your number to a couple of numbskulls.

  • shera

    LOL,I luv you guys.

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