Fisherman: If you probably haven't figured it out yet, not all 'sexual misbehavior' ( a Midemeanor ) is rape ( a Felony),
As is your style, you refuse to acknowledge that all rape is sexual misbehavior, just as all swine are animals unless the word is used metaphorically (reference to your previous post). Your misrepresentations change nothing. At no time did I say that all sexual misbehavior is rape, as your constant twists try to mislead readers into thinking.
And you still refuse to address the question put to you a few times here, which is Why post an off subject link to detectives charged with rape, which is sexual misbehavior regardless of how you need to see it, in a thread about a JW elder who was arrested over criminal sexual charges? One poster suggested it was to try to lessen the blow of how bad JWs can be, a left handed attempt at defending JWs, and I agree.
Do you care to answer it now? Based on your past posts I won't be holding my breath waiting for a straight answer. Yes, you are running on empty as a JW defender.