Norm was the first person whose writings I discovered on the net. He makes a powerful argument. So does Alan F, but he can be converted to other activities :
See? It takes 2 to make a Norwegian smile!
by Mulan 14 Replies latest jw friends
Norm was the first person whose writings I discovered on the net. He makes a powerful argument. So does Alan F, but he can be converted to other activities :
See? It takes 2 to make a Norwegian smile!
Got room for The Naked Apostate there somewhere in The Middle?
sKallyWaggin' klass
I'm not Norwegian but I have several alcoholics in my life. To them I say that I am a recovering Jehovah's Witness. Not that I have to fight from going back, but there are a lot of similarities there. In the case of being an exjw, for the most part that was not a positive experience, it brought a lot of pain which I have taken years to be free from the effects of. I'm German. I'll always be German and yes I would love to have been raised in that heritage. But being the ethnicity or of a heritage is not a bad thing in and of itself, doesn't need support groups or therapy, usually.
I think the purpose of groups that promote a heritage are to keep that positive going and to keep it active in your life. As an exjw I can assure you that I don't want that active in my life. I have moved on.
Just my thought for what its worth.
I like that analogy..