Well my wife is off to a one day convention and will doubtless return home cranky and tired.
one day convention
by zeb 14 Replies latest jw friends
Cranky and tired? Isn't she supposed to return spiritually fortified or something like that?
a watcher
Well, how about having a nice dinner waiting for her when she gets home to help her feel better?
Hey hey ahem BACK IN Nehemiah's day all would STAND all day including toddlers!! ( that actually was the original template) Makes me shudder to think, after literally driving across the country 8 days Morning afternoon and evening sessions, Unbelievable, had to be bussed back forth from New Jersey, and what was the point again? Ugh
Yes but it will be the BEST ONE DAY ASSEMBLY EVER!
tp: "8 days Morning afternoon and evening sessions,
but you could take a stroll between Yankee stadium and the Polo grounds, in the noon break, in 1958!
ttdtt; the best ever ------ p: convention for me was when I met my wife! --one day of convention at a time.
These one day convention make as much sense as pouring coffee in my ear. I mean really, gunna drive 3 hours there, spend 4-10 hours 'studying and listening', and drive 3 hours back.
People are drones that are going to go down with the ship. Open your eyes people and speak your own opinion. The GB is only your god if you let them be.
to watcher; A fair suggestion. I suggested I take her out for dinner but she said no.
Your own opinion
Hey alostpuppydog,
The above words are great blasphemy among the Jehovah's Witnesses,
You must repent!