I mean, they're in a public place and may get blown into someone by the wind, perhaps hurting a child. Surely because of their position, some kind of public liability insurance or similar should cover the literature carts/trolleys? Other charities like Oxfam require insurance, I'm pretty sure, or a licence.
Shouldn't the literature carts be covered by insurance?
by Isambard Crater 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes. They do require liability insurance to be in a public place
At least, in my city, I believe they have to provide 3 mil liability insurance in order to set up. And an annual license of around 300 dollars. Which would explain why I have yet to see one
Isambard Crater
I honestly don't believe my local Congregation has taken out insurance for their Carts. Might that be a possibility? -
Islam, do an online search to see what your locality requires for public vendors. The same rules and requirements should apply
The responsibility would be placed squarely in the court of the Cart handlers and their congo. but not for the account of the Octo-Klubbe in NY
Isambard Crater
I found this and am disgusted;
Pete Zahut
In our City, this is considered a freedom of speech issue. If they are on a public sidewalk they aren't required to have a permit so long as they leave 4' of clear space on the sidewalk, but if their cart were to cause someone to trip, it would be a civil matter solely between the injured individual and the JW as to how to deal with the legalities. If you were standing on the sidewalk and someone tripped over your foot as they walked past, they could sue you and they could name the City in the lawsuit, but they wouldn't likely win unless some blatant negligence on the part of those named, could be proven.
When JW's put their carts on private property such as at a shopping center, they'd have to get permission to do so and the shopping center official becomes responsible for any injury that might occur as a result of allowing this activity to take place. This would likely be covered by the shopping center's Liability Insurance
In the case of the JW's carts on public sidewalks, if there were to be some accident, I'm guessing the Watchtower would throw the publisher under the bus and say that use of the literature cart is part of the individuals personal ministry and is done of their own volition. I'm guessing they'd say that the individual JW is therefore responsible for any outcome.
Still Totally ADD
I remember years ago a householder accused a young MS of keying his car. I know for a fact this householder knew this young man didn't do it. He was just mad at them knocking on his door. So the household took him to court and I think won and the poor young MS was liable for all cost including the wt lawyers fee. If he was a elder the wt. Would have paid for it all. I am sure the wt. doesn't paid for anybody now. I bet those manning those carts may be doing it at their own risk. Still Totally ADD
In our part of the world, the INDIVIDUAL witnesses had to get an insurance cover to man the carts.
The cong said it is not an official JW.org activity. It is something the individuals choose to do of their own volition, hence they are personally responsible legally. (yup right - and yet they HAVE to use the official carts and do it the specific way the Society dictates!)
Lost in the fog
February 26, 2017 Letter to the body of elders sets it all out in detail.
You can access this letter via the Avoid. JW website.