Why is that amazing? 8 million people are threatened every month that if they don't litter the earth with them then their god will slaughter them. Those 8 million get magazines for themselves and others to be good enough to possibly live. I'm pretty sure People magazine can't compete with that, lol.
Watch Tower's Popularity
by dydeonwl 31 Replies latest watchtower bible
dubstepped hit the target bullseye.
Maybe back in the 1960s, 70s, and 80s when that was the alternative to the lamestream. But, that all changed sometime in the 1990s when the Internet came along. That made it possible for everyone to write their own experiences about the jokehovians, blabbing that it is no different from other religions at best, to far worse and comparable to the cat lick church during the dark ages at worst. It also made possible the blabbing about the whole bible and quran being full of lies, intended to enslave the whole earth, rather than just being misunderstood or having a few mistakes.
There were once-good magazines that have been turned to rubbish. Prevention, once about preventing people from getting sick, now pushes the same drugs that everyone else including the Sickness Channel pushes (to me, prevention is not getting sick at all). Consumer Reports was once a good source of information to steer clear from rubbish products, and that has become a garbage political rag as well. Reader's Digest is another once-good magazine that has become leftist propaganda. But, at least all these were once good (I doubt that today, any real good magazines would get published). Which is more than can be said about the washtowel rags, which were rubbish from the beginning and are still rubbish.
The Watchtower and Awake magazines are not the most read magzines in the world they are the most distributed / printable magazines in the world ,and thats a big difference .
And in a lot of countries nowadays they are either free or on a contribution basis for obtaining one.Otherwise they would be taxed by the governments.
8.5 Million volunteers distributing these magazines all around the world its not surprising they are the most distributed but even thats debatable because many JW`s dont even place the magazines they have and end up putting them in the recyclable bin.
It is probably more accurate to say they are the most printable magazines by a publishing house today.
Many of these mags are just left in places with a high traffic of pedestrians with the hope they will be picked up and read. Many are just left at houses where people are not at home hoping they will be read.
So this article stating the WT and Awake are the most read magazines are wrong and the journalists obviousl;y havent done their homework to make such a statement .
Aussie Oz
And i'll wager the numbers come straight from the WT as a source.... No doubt they count every copy printed rather than 'placed'.
Even if every magazine went into the trash i bet the boasted numbers wouldn't drop
I left a comment that is currently 'awaiting moderation'. It won't get published as it questions their shoddy research.
resolute Bandicoot
That's a lot of trees getting cut down every month for no good cause.
Freedom rocks
I used to have piles of magazines that I hadn't placed. They tried getting us to put them through the doors of not at homes and count them as placements but I didn't feel honest doing that so they got recycled.
We placed very little literature, some mags did better than others and i don't believe for a second that they are the most widely read magazine, not with the amount of publishers I knew that felt guilty for recycling their piles of them but did it anyway.
Freedom - I had PILES as a pioneer, and I would overstated my number monthly.
6 mags would turn into 16 placed:)
20 would turn into 40.
Then as a regular pub I would always say I placed at least 10 though for years I avoided D2D
You know as an Elder you gotta set the example :) -
This is a bit of a misleading thing. Most magazines are on this list because people actually order them. The JWs take them on mass and hand them out and most people toss them away thinking they will only take one to shut the dumb ass up. Or they are left in a door where they get tossed out with the lawn maintenance add. Dummbers will leave them at dentists and drs offices and the like. This is a joke of a stat. It may be the most printed but its not really the top magazine in reality.