I really think that discrimination is wrong! When the Red Sox and Yankees play , I think it’s terrible when fighting occurs and if someone simply wears a. Yankees cap they are pummeled. Vice versa too. Makes no sense!
What’s your opinion—-Wearing a Trump Hat ok to get kicked out of bar?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
And if someone loves Bernie Sanders or puts on their car a sticker that lauds a politician,who cares? Are we gonna run them outta town?
And if someone loves Bernie Sanders or puts on their car a sticker that lauds a politician,who cares? Are we gonna run them outta town? - I don't know.
Are there republican areas where a democrat hat would start a riot?
Are there democrat areas where a Trump hat would start a riot?
If the bar owner had warned the guy of the problems a Trump hat could cause and politely asked him to remove it and cover it up and the guy refused, I can kinda understand the bar owner throwing him out.
Or maybe the area is pretty relaxed when it comes to people showing their political affiliations and the bar owner was just being uptight ... I just don't know.
Why would anyone want to spend their money where they are unwelcome?
So it's ok to thrown a White paying patron out of a bar for wearing a MAGA hat, but if you ask 2 Black men to leave a Starbucks because they didn't buy anything and are loitering about, and when they refuse, they are trespassing and you call the cops - that's DISCRIMINATION? Yep, that's what the USA has come down to. This country is f*cked.
WingCommander said it best.
If you can't discriminate based off race, sexual orientation, biological sex (because there are only two genders), or creed, why can you discriminate based off of political creed?
Why would anyone want to spend their money where they are unwelcome?
Tell that to the guys thrown out of Starbucks.
What so you think about this??
The establishment is within the limits of the law as long as they're not being arbitrary.
i.e. If a pro-Trump MAGA hat is not allowed, then no political slogan/motiff or any kind can be allowed.
MAGA HAT...make America great again . Guy wears it in nyc bar and gets thrown out. Manhattan court throws out the case citing that since its not religious discrimination, it’s the bar’s right.
What so you think about this??
Absolutely wrong. In my town, we're constantly fighting against bars and places that have "dress codes" that happen to be against what minorities wear. We want people to enjoy their nice time at the bar wearing anything that they want, for as long as it doesn't violate the law. I cannot just turn around and promote the exact same thing simply because it's something that promotes an already elected president.
Anyway, they love promoting that type of articles, but as I said, minorities are constantly shown the door for "violating dress code policy" in bars and public places. I'm almost positive that you might have never heard of such practice. Seems like the same way bars that do that to minorities get away with it, was the same argument that this particular bar used. But of course, it's news because it happened in the other direction.
It is wrong to do that to ANYONE, not just the people you like.
I believe in private property and private property owner rights. If you want to refuse service or tell someone to leave your business for any reason you it is your right in a free nation.
It may have nothing to do with politics at all. Trump is/was universally hated in this town long before he ran for office. Too bad the rest of the country didn't know him for the asshat he is like his hometown does.