why do they keep using the words "expanding and accelerating in pace?" when the exact opposite is happening, the printing is being vastly reduced, people aren't reading their materials any more, how many jw's are there in Saudi Arabia,Kuwait,Yemen,Oman,UAE,Bahrain,Syria,Jordan, Egypt, Algeria,Morocco,Libya,Tunisia Sudan,Somalia,Turkey,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Bangladesh,Nepal, Thailand,Loas,Vietnam,Cambodia,Myanmar, Kazakhstan,Uzbekistan,Turkmenistan,Kurdistan,Azerbaijan,Iraq,Iran, North Korea,Bosnia,Albania and more importantly India and China, who can count 2 and quarter billion folks in those 2 countries alone , a mere handful of jw's in those nations whose populations must be well over a billion, these quick fire sell offs of their real estate portfolio, suspension of major construction projects, closures and sell off of Branch offices are all for a major reason, the vast percentage of the worlds 7.3 billion population are not interested in their hate filled message.