Welcome, your English is very good, so don't worry about that. Your comment about the lack of love is correct, there is no love in most congregations. Jesus said that the way to identify those who are true followers is that they have love among themselves, so what does that tell you about the Jehovah's Witnesses?
The Watchtower makes the preaching work all important, totally ignoring caring and love. How much time is spent talking about the preaching work at the meetings compared to time spent talking about helping others? They record and track hours of preaching, but not hours spent helping each other, or even other people outside the religion. Those who are going through problems are told to pray, study and go to the meetings, things that are of no help to people going through depression or other problems. If Jehovah Witnesses are the only true religion, why are so many going through depression and struggling?
As to what to do or where to go, don't worry about that for now. For now you just need to know whether or not the Watchtower has the truth. Once you figure that out you can start thinking about where to go from there, it will take time to figure it all out, so don't rush into anything. The Watchtower demonizes other religions so that you think they are your only option, don't fall for it. There are decent churches out there, not going to church is also a option. You have been lied to and manipulated, it will take some time to get over that.
These are some things to think about:
The Watchtower uses the date of 607 for the fall of Jerusalem to calculate their last days/Armageddon chronology. Try to prove that is the correct date without using Watchtower sources.
Try to prove, using the Watchtower literature, that Charles Russel predicted the last days would start in 1914 and that Jesus was to return invisibly.
Research the meaning of the word "generation" and show how "this generation" could ever actually mean overlapping generations or more than one generation.
Google "Beth Sarim".
Look into the Austrailian Royal Commission and Jehovah's Witnesses and Child sex abuse, and learn how this religion covers up for pedophiles. Also Google Candace Conti.
Well, that's enough to get started. Thanks for posting, so glad you found us.
Lisa 🌹