Sassy got me thinking about how people here can just be themselves and not worry about being "found out"! I know at the K-halls everyone is acting all holy and righteous. But they all watch everyone else and listen to what is said to make sure that A) They are not discovered, and B) to see if the other person will "slip-up" and give their true feelings away!
I don't even think most JW's are aware they are doing this. But the WTS has programmed them to trust no one but the WTS. Everyone else may be a faker! JW's are to be on guard around anyone whom may subvert them from the WTS god! And this includes, "anyone called a brother!"
Anyone here raised JW's know how different the holy brothers act at home or outside the Halls of Phonydom. And visit a Hall when traveling and see how you are checked out, usually first by the Elderette wife of one of the Elders, then when she has given the "all clear" sign others will timidly approach and chat lightly with you.Maverick