Social Skills 101 for Newbies

by codeblue 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • codeblue

    Hey Stillawjexelder: Thanks for sharing Chapter #24, and have you really read all those books? I have read COC and ISOCF are the others really worth the read???? fill me in please...

    Megadude: Great Chapter#25: could you expound on that just a little

    Chapter 26: Lord of the Rings---A must see---all three, a spiritual experience defined by YOU.


  • lollydawdle

    I Like Huxley's suggestion - tract origami for beginners!

    I thought this might be a serious thread. For anyone else who also thought so - taking classes in anything that interests you will help improve social skills. It's a starting point in making friends with those who have the same interests.

  • mouthy

    I like stillaxjwelder line up They are all terrific books. If your an elder still>>>> your GREAT!!!!!

  • Momofmany

    Ok, I am going out on a limb here. Kinda of emotional streaking if you will. How do you get social skills? One of the posters offered a website, chat room for children, but my guys just don't feel comfortable yet. I know they are lonely. I know I am. My daughter is 6, and she cries because she has no friends. Sometimes I want to go back just so she wont be lonely. I wont, but I need to teach them and my self how to be social. In all seriousness, can someone point me in the right direction. I would greatly appreciate this.

  • Loris

    Momof many join your children's school PTA or whatever it is called. Go to every school function and take the kiddies. Find out what kind of county or city recreation centers are available and see if they have classes to take with your children. Be it pottery or theater or tumbling. Get out of the house.


  • codeblue


    Please don't isolate yourself...get out of the house!!!

    Do you live in a subdivision that has many children? Go out and introduce yourself to your neighbors...invite some over for coffee and cake. Have a small party for the kids in your subdivisions so your kids can get to know other kids...or one family of kids over at a time. Make it simple: rent movies and have popcorn....These small parties don't have to cost a lot...

    How large of a community to you live in?

    I live in a small community of 15,000 and there are programs going on. Get your local paper. Sometimes a local hospital offers classes that cater to Moms...Look at info boards at the grocery store and dr.'s clinics....Go to your local library as well.

    Do a search on your computer for info on developing social skills...I just did a lookup, there are many sites out there.

    Loris gave you some great info as well...about getting involved in school activities.

    Hope a few of these tips will help you!!!


  • pettygrudger

    Momofmany - is your 6 y.o. in school? A party is always a wonderful way to help your child make friends in the school, and also a nice way to meet other parents. Perhaps a Valentine's Day party (age appropriate of course) - pizza & valentines & games.

    The suggestions above were also good too.

    Also, you have the Internet - dive into other groups in area's that interest you. Discussion boards, etc. is a great place to meet other people who might have similar interests as yourself! (everything from books, to religions (even ex-jw), to politics, to hobbies). Get out there and go!!!

    Most importantly, realize that underneath all the shyness & "fear of man" - you are most likely a very interesting person who would make some people very lucky with your friendship!

  • jgnat

    27. Purge some demons and create a new income source at the same time: The art of selling WT materials on E-bay.

  • jgnat

    28. From Caller ID to Moving the Household - Elder Avoidance Techniques

  • Momofmany

    Loris, Codeblue, and Pettygrudger,

    Thanks for the ideas. I also want to thank you for not laughing. Hard to admit you don't have any friends and you feel like you are failing your kids. (feel really exposed now) You all have given me really good advice. Now I will step away. I know I brought this thread down quickly.

    I would like to see what other chapters you have in this book.

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