There have been some references from time to time about how JWs felt about 9/11 and how the Watchtower responded, but I'm interested in what, if anything, the Watchtower said specifically. I don't have access to any of the publications, though. Can anybody enlighten me?
What did the Watchtower say following 9/11
by kgfreeperson 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Read between the lines of their post-9/11 stuff and it basically says "YEEEEE-HAAAAA! 3000 down, 5,999,997,000 to go!"
Mike, sometimes insensitive but always saying what everyone else is thinking anyway.
I can't recall them saying anything specific in writing, but there have been more references to terrorism lately in the publications. Certainly they hve used 9/11 as fuel to foster more 'the end is near' expectations.
There is an interesting talk in Florida shortly after 9/11 copied almost verbatim on freeminds somewhere that was given by a prominent member at Brooklyn, I think in fact one of the signatory's on the NGO application. He gets into some speculating about how things are gonna pan out etc, most of it paranoid and delusionary.
The official version:
For Immediate Release
September 11, 2001Reaching out to those hit by tragedy
"I got rocked out of my chair." Timothy Eng was on the 83 rd floor of World Trade Center's Building #1 and felt the first plane hit this morning. "At first I thought it was a really heavy wind, but then I saw one of the traders I work with; he was burned from head to toe. I rushed to put out the flames. People said a plane hit the building. All we saw was debris flying out from above. I helped the trader get down the stairs. As we came down it was dark and there was water and debris everywhere."
Michael Wityk was on the 59 th floor in Building #2, preparing for a 9 a.m. meeting. After a sudden loud noise, he saw that Building #1 was on fire, with paper and glass flying outside. "We were told to evacuate. When we were in the stairwell and got down to about the 20 th floor, an announcement indicated they were about to let us go back up, thinking that only Building #1 was being affected. All of a sudden Building #2 shook. There was some other kind of violent explosion, then everyone started getting panicky. It changed the mood, the terror really rose at that point. My knees literally started to shake."
Both of these men were survivors of today's tragedy, two of the thousands who made their way across the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges to escape the aftermath of this catastrophe.
Linda works on Wall Street and had to evacuate with throngs of other New Yorkers. "One of the tenants was trampled, but thank God she was all right. Others saw the second plane hitting the tower. Everyone was scared. . . . Hatred can do so much harm. So many innocent lives were lost for no reason. We pray we can assist others who were going through such a hard time."
Arriving in the lobby of the Watchtower buildings across the Brooklyn Bridge, Timothy, Michael and Linda breathed a sigh of relief. They were able to join many others who sought shelter in these buildings. The billowing smoke across the river is a reminder of what they just survived.
A volunteer brings Timothy a cup of water and offers him a chair. "You don't know how happy I feel to have made it to Brooklyn, coming down from 83 floors in the air." When he realized he really was out of danger, he added, "I feel safe."
Food and refreshments are provided to the people who streamed in the building. "They are looking for a haven," Jack, one of the helping hands, remarks. "There was some panic. A lot of people who work here volunteered to help provide whatever was needed."
The Watchtower buildings in Brooklyn were not damaged in today's tragedy, but the people working in them felt it deeply. As spokesman J.R. Brown expressed it, "Today's explosions sent a shock wave through the heart of New York and the rest of the world. Everyone will be touched by this tragedy. Comfort and cooperation are the necessary survival kit right now."
Contact: J. R. Brown, telephone: (718) 560-5600
They were emphasising sharing 'comfort' from their bible w survivors. The above quote that blondie brought in is propaganda, as the wt locked it's doors at noon. Those few who straggled in were jws, and perhaps a couple nonjws. Other churches opened their doors. Here are threads from sept 2001 that have some info:
The WTS makes a big deal about how the prophecies of Revelation find fulfillment in their organization (like the mighty trumpet blasts referring to antiquated, obscure proclamations that no one probably cared about at the time), and here this big cataclysm happens on their doorstep and they haven't tried to see if it fulfills any prophecy? I wonder why. It's like everything the Society says was fulfilled in their organization happened in 1918, 1919, and the 20s -- as if nothing at all has happened to them since. They're stuck with an old system that they inherited from their predecessors. They've been waiting for Armageddon too long.
Question: do any of you see the same glaring (to me) literal fulfillments of application in a very literal sense if you link Babylon the Great to New York City?
No, it was all fulfilled on jerusalem in 70
The mystery of god is finished. No more mystery. But you like mystery, don't you?
Blind Zebra, i used to get that same "electic feeling" when a severe thunderstorm came, maybe it was the Big "A". Pardon me, but no way i believe that the USA is BTG, and btw, u can drive yourself batty reading prophecy scriptures.